Monday, August 17, 2020

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adolescents

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adolescents Psychotherapy Print Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teens By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on October 16, 2019 nullplus/Getty Images More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy often referred to as CBT, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on making connections between thoughts, behavior, and feelings. Psychotherapists who use CBT help people identify and change dysfunctional patterns.?? CBT is often used with adolescents. It can be effective in treating a wide range of issues including eating disorders, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.?? Basic Principles CBT is based on the idea that there is a clear link between thoughts, behavior, and feelings.?? Heres an example: Thought: Im socially awkwardFeeling: AnxiousBehavior: Teen sits in the corner alone while at a party A teen who thinks they are awkward might avoid eye contact and shy away from the conversation. Then, when they dont have positive social interactions, their belief that theyre socially awkward is reinforced. CBT aims to break that cycle by changing the way a teen thinks or behaviors.??   A psychotherapist may help the teen challenge negative assumptions with a behavioral experiment. For example, the teen who thinks they are socially awkward might be challenged to strike up a conversation with five new people. If they experience some success, the belief that they are socially awkward might not be as strong.   Additionally, the therapist may help them change their thoughts. When they tell themselves, People think Im weird, they might remind themselves, Everyone is different and thats OK. Changing their thoughts can reduce the anxiety they experience.?? How It Works Teens often develop distorted core beliefs about themselves. CBT helps confront and modify those distortions.?? A teen who believes theyre unworthy may always look for evidence that reinforces this belief. For example, if they get a bad grade on a test, they may think its because theyre stupid. And if a friend doesnt call them back, they may assume its because the friend doesnt like them anymore. A psychotherapist using CBT would help the patient identify those unhealthy thought patterns that contribute to mental health problems. A therapist may ask a series of questions and ask a patient to keep a thought record to help identify dysfunctional thoughts.?? In later sessions, specific techniques are utilized that teach new ways to think about maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors and may lead to more effective ways of getting ones needs met. For example, CBT can be effective in treating a teen with bulimia by exploring and helping change thoughts, attitudes and feeling patterns about their body and food that lead to purging behaviors. Benefits CBT helps teens learn how to interpret their environment differently. Compared to other therapeutic approaches CBT is short-term. Sometimes, only a handful of sessions are needed.?? It is also very problem-focused which means it deals with issues in the present. Treatment providers arent likely to rehash a teens childhood or look for hidden meaning in their behavior. Instead, sessions focus on helping the teen with problems going on now.??   This type of therapy can provide benefits such as: Improve communication with othersReduce fears and phobiasInterrupt thoughts that lead to addictive or other self-destructive behaviorsImprove self-esteemIdentify positive responses to stressChange negative thought patterns How to Find a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist If your teen is struggling with a mental health problem or a behavioral issue, talk to his physician. A physician can rule out any possible medical issues contributing to the issue can refer you to a cognitive behavioral therapist. A cognitive behavioral therapist will likely want to interview you and your teen to gain a better understanding of the current issue. Then, sessions may include your teen only or the therapist may want you or other family members to attend. CBT often involves homework assignments. Getting parents involved in supporting a teens efforts to complete the homework can be key to getting better. Be sure to talk to the therapist about how you can best support your teens treatment.

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