Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Norm Paper

PAPER # 1: BREAKING A NORM NAME: Nisha Tommy A standard is a guideline of right activity official upon the individuals from a gathering and serving to guide, control, or directs appropriate and adequate conduct. Normal practices are bunch held convictions about how individuals ought to carry on in a given setting. Sociologists depict standards as casual understandings that administer society’s practices, while analysts have embraced a progressively broad definition, perceiving littler gathering units, similar to a group or an office, may likewise underwrite standards independent or notwithstanding social or cultural expectations.The mental definition stresses accepted practices' conduct segment, expressing standards have two measurements: how much conduct is displayed and how much the gathering supports of that conduct. The individuals living in the general public create normal practices. These standards have its significance and pay a crucial job in the socialization of an in dividual and embellishment of character. There are some significant elements of accepted practices, which have basic influence in the smooth of the general public. These are control conduct, fit the general public, and lawfulness. I decided to disregard an accepted practice when riding on the elevator.I did this in a medical clinic condition where specialists, attendants, professionals, and for the most part patients were around me. I checked the response of ten unique gatherings all through the trial to get the best outcome. It is incorporated diverse nationality and distinctive age gathering. I rode the lift multiple times yet as opposed to standing the â€Å"normal† way which is confronting the entryway an implicit accepted practice I stood the incorrect route remaining by the entryway taking a gander at the rear of the lift. I felt entirely awkward for the initial barely any occasions at the same time, after that I began getting a charge out of people’s nonverbal r eactions.Still it is difficult to break a standard by intentionally breaking it. I got different responses. A few people gaze at me as though I was not ordinary. Some feigned exacerbation and others alarmed their brow. Some of them inquired as to whether I was alright. A few couples looked one another and grinned. Some shook their head. Some of them didn’t take a gander at me at all they were looking on the floor. One of the representatives asked me â€Å"Do you work here? Which division accomplish you work for? † One individual asked me â€Å"Do you have lifts in your country†? One individual asked me â€Å"how long have you been in US†? After my answer she made a facial expression.The question â€Å"Are you alright? ’’ negated my speculation and refuted it which was regardless of whether I stand the incorrect path in the lift and conflict with the accepted practice at that point individuals still won’t truly respond. This investiga tion refuted my theory. While I had thought I wouldn’t get any responses I did actually get numerous responses from gazing to being inquired as to whether I was alright. Numerous individuals gazed at me as if there was a major issue with me or even felt awkward around me. My theory was refuted on the grounds that obviously breaking an accepted practice is more critical than I had assumed.The test demonstrated a great deal about normal practices and breaking them. It indicated the importance of accepted practices how much normal practices assume a job in the public eye and individuals as people act. The accepted practice I broke was certain yet it end up being so incredible in how individuals saw me and how they responded. I standing the incorrect way changed the manner in which a few people felt in the lift they began to feel awkward in light of the fact that my activities conflicted with the accepted practice which is standing confronting the entryway and anything that confl icts with the accepted practice isn't normal.The motion was little yet it demonstrated to create more noteworthy responses. This trial demonstrates that there are such things as accepted practices that aren’t even officially expressed and as a general public standards are set concerning how once ought to act and when broken one is met responses and seen as various and â€Å"not normal†. Indeed, even in quick paced places where individuals will in general be excessively occupied or they are pushed or even too debilitated to even think about noticing, individuals notice the breaking of accepted practices and respond toward it since that is the way individuals were instructed to take a gander at contrastingly the individuals who don’t follow the social norm.I had accepted that in United State where the demeanor of disapproving of your business is the thing that individuals shape their lives around this would not be the situation however I wasn't right. Sticking to accepted practices is obviously a major piece of people’s lives and shapes the manner in which they act. What shocked me about the outcomes was the manner in which individuals acted toward me how a few people were feeling awkward. This shocked me since they were acting like there may be some kind of problem with me since I was standing the incorrect way. The man who inquired as to whether I am alright stunned me the most on the grounds that I didn’t anticipate that anybody should really solicit me this.All from this likewise shows how the earth assumes a job in a person’s life. The accepted practices of a spot which contrast here and there shapes the general public it sets the social code. Particularly on account of the man who inquired as to whether I was alright. His conduct and the remainder of the exploratory gathering demonstrated how me breaking the accepted practice influences me as well as the individuals around me and changes the manner in which I am se en to the world. He would have most likely not asked me this is I was standing the correct way. But since I damaged the accepted practice his conduct and responses changed.The bunches acted contrastingly in view of the variable which had a significant effect. One can get adjustment to clarify these outcomes. Society all in all has figured out how to adjust so as not to be the oddball. The social based principles that were caused individuals in general to have figured out how to change their conduct to comply with the widespread social code so they aren’t extraordinary. What's more, when they see somebody who acts diversely they consider them to be â€Å"weird† unique. Individuals like behaviorists would state have been â€Å"shaped† a specific way a socially worthy which is the reason individuals responded the manner in which they did to me.I conflicted with everybody the principles of society by not acclimating henceforth I was the oddball. In the event that it weren’t for the normal practices, at that point perhaps I would not have gotten the responses I did in light of the fact that there wouldn’t be anything to adjust as well. One can deduce that a portion of the responses demonstrated the accompanying of the normal practice of not being discourteous. While some of them gazed they didn't do anything as not to be discourteous which is in its own specific manner following an accepted practice of good manners. This investigation has shown me fundamentally much increasingly about accepted practices and society. I got the chance to see firsthand how accepted practices work and the amount they assume a job in everyone’s day by day lives.I figured out how individuals respond toward individuals who don’t follow the normal practices and break them. In the event that this trial was directed elsewhere I would state certainly the outcomes would be unique, on the grounds that the spot makes the accepted practices. Each c ondition is unique and society makes decide dependent on that. What may be worthy in one spot probably won't be so adequate in another and the other way around. For instance in some spot standing ceaselessly at a good separation is viewed as impolite that is conflicting with the accepted practice while in America that isn't the situation. Here standing excessively close is breaking the social norm.The results may have been increasingly uncommon or there may have not been any response whatsoever. This trial helped in giving the importance of normal practices. The test likewise demonstrated to show the contrast among following and breaking normal practices. In the wake of breaking the accepted practice I got the opportunity to see numerous responses which refuted my speculation and demonstrated how congruity strongly affects society. By standing in reverse in a lift I broke the normal practice of standing confronting the rear of the lift and consequently I turned into the oddball. I a ppreciated doing this examination all in all.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Child by Tiger Essay Example for Free

Youngster by Tiger Essay In Tomas Wolfe’s â€Å"The Child by Tiger,† Dick Prosser, a persecuted dark man living in the South, represents blamelessness and evilness. Despite the fact that Dick shows up as an amazingly strict and deferential man in white society, he bit by bit permits evilness to devour him, making Dick set out on a murdering binge. While fitting in with the dark job, Dick endeavors to increase a positive notoriety through approaching the youngsters with deference. He calls them by a â€Å"formal address †‘Mr.’ Crane, ‘Mr.’ Potterham, ‘Mr. ’ Spangler, ‘Cap’n’ Shepperton.† He shows the young men how to play football and how to box so he can carry on with a superior life. Through his errands, Dick continually ends up being a conscious specialist. He would in any event, sing hymn books as he goes â€Å"about his work around the house.† Dick keeps his room â€Å"spotless as a garisson huts room† with just his Bible on his little table. In spite of the fact that he is a keen man, others still just consider him to be the â€Å"smartest darky.† On Sundays during community gathering, Dick would stand â€Å"neatly wearing his great dull suit† and would â€Å"humbly† tune in to the â€Å"entire sermon.† Although Dick isn't permitted in the white church, he remains at the â€Å"side door† and perceives the natural stanzas from his â€Å"old Bible,† which is â€Å"worn out by consistent use.† Following quite a while of abuse, Dick at last concluded that he had enough. The day that Lon Everett, a white smashed man, â€Å"skidded murdously† and â€Å"sideswiped† Dick was exactly the same day that his â€Å"eyes went red.† Dick continues to watch out for his lord after the accident. Everett then â€Å"smashed him in the face† while Dick’s hands â€Å"twitched slightly† next to him. Once Everett punched Dick for the subsequent time, blood comes â€Å"trickling† down his face. Dick moved quickly down the road â€Å"shooting from the hip† executing the two blacks and white whether they were liable or guiltless. One â€Å"old Negro man stuck out† his head and is shot decisively. Another â€Å"kindly,† â€Å"devoted,† â€Å"pleasant flowery confronted man† is killed too. Dick considers whites to be the foe just as the blacks who do nothing to change the course of history. As Dick gives up calmly, he is â€Å"filled with bullets† by the â€Å"posse.† The men shot him some more and afterward took his â€Å"lifeless body† and â€Å"hung him to a tree† where they splashed him with more slugs until he was a â€Å"riddled carcass.† He is taken back to town to be hung in a window like a creature as a notice to different blacks. Living as a persecuted dark man in the South, Dick Prosser represents both the great and fiendishness in everybody through his great deeds and his sloped executing binge. Despite the fact that Dick obviously had the capacity to retaliate, he was kept down by the white society since he had no rights.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adolescents

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adolescents Psychotherapy Print Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teens By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on October 16, 2019 nullplus/Getty Images More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy often referred to as CBT, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on making connections between thoughts, behavior, and feelings. Psychotherapists who use CBT help people identify and change dysfunctional patterns.?? CBT is often used with adolescents. It can be effective in treating a wide range of issues including eating disorders, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.?? Basic Principles CBT is based on the idea that there is a clear link between thoughts, behavior, and feelings.?? Heres an example: Thought: Im socially awkwardFeeling: AnxiousBehavior: Teen sits in the corner alone while at a party A teen who thinks they are awkward might avoid eye contact and shy away from the conversation. Then, when they dont have positive social interactions, their belief that theyre socially awkward is reinforced. CBT aims to break that cycle by changing the way a teen thinks or behaviors.??   A psychotherapist may help the teen challenge negative assumptions with a behavioral experiment. For example, the teen who thinks they are socially awkward might be challenged to strike up a conversation with five new people. If they experience some success, the belief that they are socially awkward might not be as strong.   Additionally, the therapist may help them change their thoughts. When they tell themselves, People think Im weird, they might remind themselves, Everyone is different and thats OK. Changing their thoughts can reduce the anxiety they experience.?? How It Works Teens often develop distorted core beliefs about themselves. CBT helps confront and modify those distortions.?? A teen who believes theyre unworthy may always look for evidence that reinforces this belief. For example, if they get a bad grade on a test, they may think its because theyre stupid. And if a friend doesnt call them back, they may assume its because the friend doesnt like them anymore. A psychotherapist using CBT would help the patient identify those unhealthy thought patterns that contribute to mental health problems. A therapist may ask a series of questions and ask a patient to keep a thought record to help identify dysfunctional thoughts.?? In later sessions, specific techniques are utilized that teach new ways to think about maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors and may lead to more effective ways of getting ones needs met. For example, CBT can be effective in treating a teen with bulimia by exploring and helping change thoughts, attitudes and feeling patterns about their body and food that lead to purging behaviors. Benefits CBT helps teens learn how to interpret their environment differently. Compared to other therapeutic approaches CBT is short-term. Sometimes, only a handful of sessions are needed.?? It is also very problem-focused which means it deals with issues in the present. Treatment providers arent likely to rehash a teens childhood or look for hidden meaning in their behavior. Instead, sessions focus on helping the teen with problems going on now.??   This type of therapy can provide benefits such as: Improve communication with othersReduce fears and phobiasInterrupt thoughts that lead to addictive or other self-destructive behaviorsImprove self-esteemIdentify positive responses to stressChange negative thought patterns How to Find a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist If your teen is struggling with a mental health problem or a behavioral issue, talk to his physician. A physician can rule out any possible medical issues contributing to the issue can refer you to a cognitive behavioral therapist. A cognitive behavioral therapist will likely want to interview you and your teen to gain a better understanding of the current issue. Then, sessions may include your teen only or the therapist may want you or other family members to attend. CBT often involves homework assignments. Getting parents involved in supporting a teens efforts to complete the homework can be key to getting better. Be sure to talk to the therapist about how you can best support your teens treatment.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Factors that Influence a Childs Engagement in the Classroom

There are many factors that can positively and negatively influence a child’s engagement in the classroom. One of the biggest factors is poverty. There are nearly fifty million Americans living in poverty. Poverty has a huge impact on many aspects of a child’s life, one of them being his or her learning in the classroom. Children from low-income homes have different backgrounds and needs than those from middle-class environments that can influence their ability to concentrate, pay attention, and interact with peers during school. Poverty impacts a child’s health and nutrition, vocabulary, effort, mind-set, cognition, relationships, and ability to handle stressful situations. Living day to day can be a struggle for those living in poverty, so it is a lot to expect these children to be able to function perfectly in a classroom setting. Nutrition plays a significant role in children’s functioning. Children who grow up in low-income homes are more likel y to eat foods with a lower nutritional value, which can even affect them while still in the womb. Children coming to school in the morning already hungry will distract their minds from learning and their brains will not be able to function. It is proven that poor nutrition at breakfast affects gray matter mass in children’s brains (Taki, 2010). Skipping breakfast negatively affects students’ academic achievement by increasing absenteeism, as well as hurting their cognition abilities. Students will have more troubleShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Sensory Diets On Sensory Processing Skills1329 Words   |  6 Pagesprocessing skills, psychosocial skills, and engagement in classroom activities in children between ages of four and twelve years. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Report On The Albuquerque Police Department - 1502 Words

The Albuquerque Police Department has shot twice as many people as the police departments in cities of similar size (Kim). Police officials claim that Albuquerque has a high number dangerous situations and that firing their weapons is necessary, which hasn’t been proven. Many individuals argue that shooting dangerous suspects is necessary for the police to do their jobs adequately and to protect themselves, which isn’t the case in every situation. Some departments within the Albuquerque Police Department are in need of reform to prevent the number of fatal police shootings within the city.The Albuquerque Police Department would highly benefit from reforms geared toward their officers’ training. It’s clear that there is a problem within the department because of the high number of shootings perpetrated by police. Compared to other cities around the nation, it becomes evident that the number of fatal shootings is highly abnormal, and that reform is necessary to prevent that number from rising even higher. Another factor that proves reform is necessary is that many of the fatally shot were mentally ill, and not criminals. If police were trained on how to deescalate situations instead of shoot, it could prevent unnecessary deaths. Police learning to differentiate between situations when shooting a suspect is required or not could also save the city money. If reform doesn’t happen quickly, it invites more problems. Officers may see that their colleagues aren’t being punishedShow MoreRelatedReducing Police Shootings: A Look at Albuquerque Police Department Shootings974 Words   |  4 PagesAre the police warranted in self-defense or are the police using excessive force and how does this ratio of shootings in Albuquerque compare to other cities in similar size and population? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-four Free Essays

string(22) " to get out of there\." CONSIDERING THEIR EARLIER antagonism, I was a bit surprised to see Sonya and Robert combine their powers to create an illusion for the Dashkov brothers. It obscured their appearances, and with the addition of some fake names, the Mastrano family just assumed the guys were part of our increasingly bizarre entourage. Considering the distress and upheaval already going on in the house, a couple more people seemed the least of the Mastranos’ worries. We will write a custom essay sample on Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-four or any similar topic only for you Order Now In playing good Moroi hosts, it wasn’t enough to just cook up dinner. Emily also managed to get a feeder to come by–a sort of â€Å"blood delivery service.’ Normally, Moroi who lived outside sheltered areas and intermingled among humans had access to secret feeders living nearby. Usually, these feeders had a keeper of sorts, a Moroi who made money off the service. It was common for Moroi to simply show up at the home of the feeder’s â€Å"owner,’ but in this case, Emily had made arrangements for the feeder to be brought to her house. She was doing it as a courtesy, the kind she’d do for any Moroi guests–even ones who were delivering news she’d dreaded receiving for most of her life. Little did she know just how desperately welcome blood was to the Moroi we’d brought along. I didn’t mind the brothers suffering a little weakness, but Sonya definitely needed blood if she was going to continue her recovery. Indeed, when the feeder and her keeper showed, Sonya was the first to drink. Dimitri and I had to stay out of sight upstairs. Sonya and Robert could only manage so much spirit-illusion, and hiding Robert and Victor’s identities from the feeder’s Moroi was imperative. Obscuring both me and Dimitri would have been too much, and considering our most-wanted status, it was essential we not take any risks. Leaving the brothers unsupervised made Dimitri and me nervous, but the two of them seemed too desperate for blood to attempt anything. Dimitri and I wanted to clean up anyways, since we hadn’t had time for showers this morning. We flipped a coin, and I got to go first. Only, when I finished and was rummaging through my clothes, I discovered I’d gone through my clean â€Å"casual wear’ supply and was down to the dress Sydney had included in the backpack. I grimaced but figured it wouldn’t hurt to put the dress on for one night. We wouldn’t be doing much more than waiting around for tomorrow’s departure, and maybe Emily would let me do laundry before we left. After decent hair styling with a blow dryer, I finally felt civilized again. Sydney and I had been given a guestroom to share, and the brothers occupied another. Sonya was going to stay in Jill’s room, and Dimitri had been offered the couch. I didn’t doubt for a second he’d be stalking the halls as the household slept and that I’d be trading shifts with him. For now, he was still showering, and I crept out into the hall and peered down over a railing to check out the first floor. The Mastranos, Sonya, and the brothers were all gathered with the feeder and her keeper. Nothing seemed amiss. Relieved, I returned to my room and used the downtime to check on Lissa. After the initial excitement of passing her test, I’d felt her calm down and had assumed she was getting much-needed sleep. But, no. She hadn’t gone to bed. She’d taken Eddie and Christian over to Adrian’s, and I realized she was the one who’d woken him up from the dream I’d shared with him in the car. A skimming of her recent memories gave me a replay of what had happened since the time he left me and staggered to his door. â€Å"What’s going on?’ he asked, looking from face to face. â€Å"I was having a good dream.’ â€Å"I need you,’ said Lissa. â€Å"I hear that from women a lot,’ said Adrian. Christian made a gagging sound, but the faintest glimmer of a smile crossed Eddie’s lips, despite his otherwise tough guardian- stance. â€Å"I’m serious,’ she told him. â€Å"I just got a message from Ambrose. He’s got something important to tell us, and †¦ I don’t know. I’m still not certain of his role in everything. I want another set of eyes on him. I want your opinion.’ â€Å"That,’ Adrian said, â€Å"is not something I hear a lot.’ â€Å"Just hurry up and get dressed, okay?’ ordered Christian. Honestly, it was a wonder anyone slept anymore, considering how often we were all pulled out of sleep. Adrian nonetheless did dress quickly, and despite his flippant comments, I knew he was interested in anything related to clearing my name. What I was uncertain of was whether he’d tell anyone about the mess I’d gotten myself into, now that I’d slipped and revealed some of my true activities. My friends hurried over to the building they’d visited before, the one where Ambrose lived and worked. The Court had woken up, and people were out and about, many undoubtedly wanting to find out about the second monarch test. In fact, a few people catching sight of Lissa called out happy greetings. â€Å"I had another trial tonight,’ Lissa told Adrian. Someone had just congratulated her. â€Å"An unexpected one.’ Adrian hesitated, and I waited for him to say he’d already heard that from me. I also waited for him to deliver the shocking news about my current company and whereabouts. â€Å"How’d it go?’ he asked instead. â€Å"I passed,’ she replied. â€Å"That’s all that matters.’ She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about the cheering people, those who didn’t just simply support her because of the law but because they actually believed in her. Tasha, Mia, and some surprise friends from school had been among the onlookers, grinning at her. Even Daniella, there to wait for Rufus’s turn, had grudgingly congratulated Lissa, seeming surprised Lissa had made it through. The whole experience had been surreal, and Lissa had simply wanted to get out of there. You read "Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-four" in category "Essay examples" Eddie had gotten pulled away to assist other guardians, despite his protests that he was Lissa’s escort. So, Christian and Tasha had ended up having to take Lissa home alone. Well, almost alone. A guardian named Ethan Moore joined them, the one Abe had teased Tasha about. Abe exaggerated some things, but he’d been right this time. Ethan looked as tough as any guardian, but his kickass attitude occasionally faltered whenever he looked at Tasha. He adored her. She clearly liked him too and flirted along the way–much to Christian’s discomfort. I thought it was cute. Some guys probably wouldn’t go near Tasha because of her scars. It was nice to see someone who appreciated her for her character, no matter how disgusted Christian was by the thought of anyonedating his aunt. And I actually kind of liked seeing Christian so obviously tormented. It was good for him. Ethan and Tasha left once Lissa was securely back in her room. Within minutes, Eddie showed back up, grumbling about how they’d delayed him with some â€Å"crap task’ when they knew he had better things to do. He’d apparently made such a fuss that they’d finally released him, so he could hurry back to Lissa’s side. He made it just ten minutes before Ambrose’s note arrived, which was lucky timing. Eddie would have freaked out if he’d come to her room and found her gone. He would have thought Strigoi had kidnapped his charge in his absence. That was the series of events leading up to what was happening now: Lissa and the three guys going off to Ambrose’s secret meeting. â€Å"You’re early,’ he said, letting them in before Lissa could even knock a second time. They stood inside Ambrose’s own room now, not a fancy parlor for clients. It resembled a dorm room–a very nice one. Much nicer than anything I’d endured. Lissa’s attention was all on Ambrose, so she didn’t notice, out of the corner of her eye, Eddie quickly scanning the room. I was glad he was on his game and guessed he didn’t trust Ambrose–or anyone not in our immediate circle. â€Å"What’s going on?’ asked Lissa, as soon as Ambrose shut the door. â€Å"Why the urgent visit?’ â€Å"Because I have to show you something,’ he said. On his bed was a pile of papers, and he took the top one. â€Å"Remember when I said they were locking off Tatiana’s belongings? Well now they’re inventorying and removing them.’ Adrian shifted uncomfortably–again, only something I noticed. â€Å"She had a safe where she kept important documents–secret ones, obviously. And †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ â€Å"And?’ prompted Lissa. â€Å"And, I didn’t want anyone to find them,’ Ambrose continued. â€Å"I didn’t know what most of them were, but if she wanted them secret †¦ I just felt they should stay that way. I knew the combination, and so †¦ I stole them.’ Guilt shone on his face, but it wasn’t murderous guilt. It was guilt for the theft. Lissa eyed the stack eagerly. â€Å"And?’ â€Å"None of them have anything to do with what you’re looking for †¦ except maybe this one.’ He handed her the piece of paper. Adrian and Christian crowded around her. Darling Tatiana, I’m a bit surprised to see how these latest developments have unfolded. I thought we had an understanding that the safety of our people required more than just bringing in a younger crop of guardians. We have let too many of them go to waste, particularly the women. If you took actions to force them back–and you know what I’m talking about– the guardian ranks would swell. This current law is completely inadequate, particularly after seeing how your â€Å"training’ experiment failed. I’m equally shocked to hear that you are considering releasing Dimitri Belikov from his guards. I don’t understand exactly what happened, but you cannot trust mere appearances. You may be unleashing a monster–or at the very least, a spy–in our midst, and he needs to be under much stricter guard than he currently is. In fact, your continued support of the study of spirit is troubling altogether and no doubt led to this unnatural situation. I believe there is a reason this element was lost to us for so long: our ancestors realized its danger and stamped it out. Avery Lazar stands as proof of that, and your prodigy, Vasilisa Dragomir, is certain to follow. In encouraging Vasilisa, you encourage the degradation of the Dragomir line, a line that should be allowed to fade into history with honor and not the disgrace of insanity. Your support of her may also put your own great-nephew at risk, something neither of us would like to see happen. I’m sorry to burden you with so much condemnation. I hold you in the highest regard and have nothing but respect for the way you have so skillfully governed our people these long years. I’m certain you will soon come to the appropriate decisions–though I worry others may not share my confidence in you. Said people might attempt to take matters into their own hands, and I fear for what may follow. The letter was typed, with no signature. For a moment, Lissa couldn’t process it as a whole. She was completely consumed by the part about the Dragomir line fading into disgrace. It hit too close to the vision she’d seen in the test. It was Christian who pulled her back. â€Å"Well. It would seem Tatiana had enemies. But I guess that’s kind of obvious at this point in the game.’ â€Å"Who’s this from?’ demanded Adrian. His face was dark, furious at this thinly veiled threat to his aunt. â€Å"I don’t know,’ said Ambrose. â€Å"This is exactly the way I found it. Maybe she didn’t even know who the sender was.’ Lissa nodded her agreement. â€Å"There’s certainly an anonymous feel to it †¦ and yet, at the same time, I feel like it’s someone Tatiana must have known well.’ Adrian gave Ambrose a suspicious look. â€Å"How do we know you didn’t just type this yourself to throw us off?’ â€Å"Adrian,’ chastised Lissa. She didn’t say it but was hoping to urge Adrian to feel out Ambrose’s aura for anything she might not be able to detect. â€Å"This is crazy,’ said Christian, tapping the piece of paper. â€Å"The part about rounding up dhampirs and forcing them to be guardians. What do you think that means–the â€Å"actions’ that Tatiana knows about?’ I knew because I’d been tipped off about a lot of this earlier. Compulsion, Tatiana’s note had said. â€Å"I’m not sure,’ said Lissa. She reread the letter to herself. â€Å"What about the â€Å"experiments’ part? Do you think that’s the training sessions Grant did with Moroi?’ â€Å"That was what I thought,’ said Ambrose. â€Å"But I’m not sure.’ â€Å"Can we see the rest?’ asked Adrian, gesturing to the stack of papers. I couldn’t tell if his suspicion was legitimate distrust of Ambrose or just the result of how upset his aunt’s murder made him. Ambrose handed over the papers, but after going through the pages, Lissa agreed: there was nothing of use in them. The documents mostly consisted of legalese and personal correspondence. It occurred to Lissa–as it had to me–that Ambrose might not be showing everything he’d found. There was no way to prove that for now. Stifling a yawn, she thanked him and left with the others. She was hoping for sleep, but her mind couldn’t help but analyze the letter’s possibilities. If it was legitimate. â€Å"That letter’s evidence that someone had a lot more reason to be pissed off at Tatiana than Rose did,’ observed Christian as they wound their way back upstairs toward the building’s exit. â€Å"Aunt Tasha once said that anger based on calculated reason is more dangerous than anger based on blind hate.’ â€Å"Your aunt’s a regular philosopher,’ said Adrian wearily. â€Å"But everything we’ve got is still circumstantial.’ Ambrose had let Lissa keep the letter, and she’d folded it and put it in her jeans pocket. â€Å"I’m curious what Tasha will have to say about this. And Abe too.’ She sighed. â€Å"I wish Grant was still alive. He was a good man–and might have some insight into this.’ They reached a side exit on the main floor, and Eddie pushed the door open for them. Christian glanced over at Lissa as they stepped outside. â€Å"How close were Grant and Serena–‘ Eddie moved a fraction of a second before Lissa saw the problem, but of course, Eddie would have already been watching for problems. A man–a Moroi, actually–had been waiting among trees in the courtyard that separated Ambrose’s building from the neighboring one. It wasn’t exactly a secluded spot, but it was far enough off of the main paths that it often stayed deserted. The man moved forward and looked startled when he saw Eddie racing toward him. I was able to analyze the fight in a way Lissa couldn’t. Judging by the man’s angle and movement, he’d been heading for Lissa–with a knife in his hand. Lissa froze in fear, an expected reaction for someone not trained to react in this situation. But when Christian jerked her back, she came to life and quickly retreated with him and Adrian. The attacker and Eddie were deadlocked for a moment, each trying to take the other down. I heard Lissa yell for help, but my attention was all on the fighters. The guy was strong for a Moroi and his maneuvers suggested he’d been trained to fight. I doubted, however, that he’d been trained since elementary school, nor did he have the muscle a dhampir did. Sure enough, Eddie broke through and forced the guy to the ground. Eddie reached out to pin the man’s right hand and get the knife out of the equation. Moroi or not, the man was actually quite skilled with the blade, particularly when I (and probably Eddie too) noticed scarring and what looked like a bent finger on his left hand. The guy had probably gone to great extents to hone his knife-hand’s reflexes. Even restrained, he was still able to snake up with the blade, aiming unhesitatingly for Eddie’s neck. Eddie was too fast to let that happen and blocked the blow with his arm, which took the blade’s cut. Eddie’s block gave the Moroi a bit more room to move, and he bucked up, throwing Eddie off. Without missing a beat–really, this guy was impressive–the Moroi swung for Eddie again. There could be no doubt about the man’s intentions. He wasn’t holding back. He was there to kill. That blade was out for blood. Guardians kne w how to subdue and take prisoners, but we’d also been trained that when things were moving too fast, when it was an us-or-them situation–well, we made sure it was them. Eddie was faster than his opponent and was being driven by instincts pounded into us for years: stop what was trying to kill you. Eddie had no gun or knife, not at Court. When the man came at him a second time, knife again pointed straight at Eddie’s neck, Eddie used the only weapon left that he could be sure would save his life. Eddie staked the Moroi. Dimitri had once jokingly commented that you didn’t have to be Strigoi to be hurt by a stake through your heart. And, let’s face it, a stake through the heart didn’t actually hurt. It killed. Tatiana was proof. The man’s knife actually made contact with Eddie’s neck– and then fell before piercing skin. The man’s eyes went wide in shock and pain and then saw nothing at all. He was dead. Eddie leaned back on his heels, staring at his victim with the adrenaline-charged battle lust that followed any situation. Shouting suddenly caught his attention, and he leapt to his feet, ready for the next threat. What he found was a group of guardians, ones who had responded to Lissa’s earlier cries for help. They took one look at the scene and immediately acted on and the conclusions their training drove them to. There was a dead Moroi and someone holding a bloody weapon. The guardians went for Eddie, throwing him against the wall and prying his stake away. Lissa shouted to them that they had it all wrong, that Eddie had saved her life and– â€Å"Rose!’ Dimitri’s frantic voice shocked me back to the Mastrano house. I was sitting on the bed, and he knelt before me, face full of fear as he gripped my shoulders. â€Å"Rose, what’s wrong? Are you okay?’ â€Å"No!’ I pushed him aside and moved toward the door. â€Å"I have to–I have to go back to Court. Now. Lissa’s in danger. She needs me.’ â€Å"Rose. Roza. Slow down.’ He’d caught hold of my arm, and there was no escaping from that grip. He turned me so I faced him. His hair was still damp from the shower, and the clean scent of soap and wet skin surrounded us. â€Å"Tell me what happened.’ I quickly repeated what I’d seen. â€Å"Someone tried to kill her, Dimitri! And I wasn’t there!’ â€Å"But Eddie was,’ said Dimitri quietly. â€Å"She’s okay. She’s alive.’ He released me, and I leaned wearily against the wall. My heart was racing, and even though my friends were safe, I couldn’t shake my panic. â€Å"And now he’s in trouble. Those guardians were pissed–‘ â€Å"Only because they don’t know the whole story. They see a dead body and a weapon, that’s it. Once they get facts and testimonies, everything will be okay. Eddie saved a Moroi. It’s his job.’ â€Å"But he killed another Moroi to do it,’ I pointed out. â€Å"We’re not supposed to do that.’ It sounded like an obvious–and even stupid–statement, but I knew Dimitri understood what I meant. The guardians’ purpose was to protect Moroi. They come first. Killing one was unimaginable. But then, so was them trying to kill each other. â€Å"This wasn’t a normal situation,’ Dimitri affirmed. I tipped my head back. â€Å"I know, I know. I just can’t stand leaving her undefended. I want so badly to go back and keep her safe. Right now.’ Tomorrow seemed years away. â€Å"What if it happens again?’ â€Å"Other people are there to protect her.’ Dimitri walked over to me, and I was surprised to see a smile on his lips, in light of the grim events. â€Å"Believe me, I want to protect her too, but we’d risk our lives for nothing if we take off right now. Wait a little longer and at least risk your life for something important.’ A little of the panic faded. â€Å"And Jill is important, isn’t she?’ â€Å"Very.’ I straightened up. Part of my brain kept trying to calm me about Lissa’s attack while the other fully processed what we’d accomplished here. â€Å"We did it,’ I said, feeling a smile slowly spread to my own lips. â€Å"Against all reason †¦ somehow, we found Lissa’s lost sister. Do you realize what this means? Lissa can have everything she’s entitled to now. They can’t deny her anything. Hell, she could be queen if she wanted. And Jill †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ I hesitated. â€Å"Well, she’s part of an ancient royal family. That’s got to be a good thing, right?’ â€Å"I think it depends on Jill,’ said Dimitri. â€Å"And what the after-effects of all this are.’ Guilt over potentially ruining Jill’s life returned, and I stared down at my feet. â€Å"Hey, it’s okay,’ he said, tilting my chin back up. His brown eyes were warm and affectionate. â€Å"You did the right thing. No one else would have tried something this impossible. Only Rose Hathaway. You took a gamble to find Jill. You risked your life by breaking Abe’s rules–and it paid off. It was worth it.’ â€Å"I hope Adrian thinks so,’ I mused. â€Å"He thinks me leaving our â€Å"safe house’ was the stupidest thing ever.’ Dimitri’s hand dropped. â€Å"You told him about all this?’ â€Å"Not about Jill. But I accidentally told him we weren’t in West Virginia anymore. He’s kept it secret, though,’ I added hastily. â€Å"No one else knows.’ â€Å"I can believe that,’ said Dimitri, though he’d lost some of his earlier warmth. It was such a fleeting thing. â€Å"He †¦ he seems pretty loyal to you.’ â€Å"He is. I trust him completely.’ â€Å"And he makes you happy?’ Dimitri’s tone wasn’t harsh, but there was an intensity to it that put the exchange on par with a police interrogation. I thought about my time with Adrian: the bantering, the parties, the games, and of course, the kissing. â€Å"Yeah. He does. I have fun with him. I mean he’s infuriating sometimes–okay, a lot of the time–but don’t be fooled by all the vices. He’s not a bad person.’ â€Å"I know he isn’t,’ said Dimitri. â€Å"He’s a good man. It’s not easy for everyone to see, but I can. He’s still getting himself together, but he’s on his way. I saw it in the escape. And after †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The words caught on Dimitri’s tongue. â€Å"After Siberia, he was there for you? He helped you?’ I nodded, puzzled by all these questions. Turns out they were only the warm-up for the big one. â€Å"Do you love him?’ There were only a few people in the world who could ask me such insanely personal questions without getting punched. Dimitri was one of them. With us, there were no walls, but our complicated relationship made this topic surreal. How could I describe loving someone else to a man I’d once loved? A man you still love, a voice whispered inside my head. Maybe. Probably. Again, I reminded myself that it was natural to carry lingering feelings for Dimitri. They would fade. They had to fade, just like his had. He was the past. Adrian was my future. â€Å"Yeah,’ I said, taking longer than I probably should have. â€Å"I †¦ I do love him.’ â€Å"Good. I’m glad.’ The thing was, Dimitri’s face didn’t look all that glad as he stared blankly out the window. My confusion grew. Why was he upset? His actions and words no longer seemed to match lately. I approached him. â€Å"What’s wrong? â€Å"Nothing. I just want to make sure that you’re okay. That you’re happy.’ He turned back to me, putting on a forced smile. He’d spoken the truth–but not the whole truth. â€Å"Things have been changing, that’s all. It’s making me reconsider so much. Ever since Donovan †¦ and then Sonya †¦ it’s strange. I thought it all changed the night Lissa saved me. But it didn’t. There’s been so much more, more to the healing than I realized.’ He started to slip into pensive mode but caught himself. â€Å"Every day I figure out something new. Some new emotion I’d forgotten to feel. Some revelation I totally missed. Some beauty I didn’t see.’ â€Å"Hey, my hair in the alley does not go on that list, okay?’ I teased. â€Å"You were in shock.’ The forced smile grew natural. â€Å"No, Roza. It was beautiful. It’s beautiful now.’ â€Å"The dress is just throwing you off,’ I said, attempting a joke. In reality, I felt dizzy under his gaze. Those dark, dark eyes looked at me–really looked at me, I think, for the first time since he’d entered the room. A mixed expression came over him that made no sense to me. I could pick out the emotions it contained but not what caused them. Awe. Wonder. Sadness. Regret. â€Å"What?’ I asked uneasily. â€Å"Why are you looking at me like that?’ He shook his head, the smile rueful now. â€Å"Because sometimes, a person can get so caught up in the details that they miss the whole. It’s not just the dress or the hair. It’s you. You’re beautiful. So beautiful, it hurts me.’ I felt a strange fluttering sensation in my chest. Butterflies, cardiac arrest †¦ it was hard to say what exactly. Yet, in that moment, I was no longer standing in the Mastrano guestroom. He’d said those words before, or something very close. So beautiful, it hurts me. It was back in the cabin at St. Vladimir’s, the one and only time we’d had sex. He’d looked at me in a very similar way, too, only there’d been less sadness. Nonetheless, as I heard those words again, a door I’d kept locked in my heart suddenly burst open, and with it came all the feelings and experiences and sense of oneness we’d always shared. Looking at him, just for the space of a heartbeat, I had a surreal sensation wash over me, liked I’d known him forever. Like we were bound †¦ but not in the way Lissa and I were, by a bond forced on us. â€Å"Hey, guys, have you–oh.’ Sydney came to a halt in the half-open doorway and promptly took two steps back. â€Å"Sorry. I–that is–‘ Dimitri and I immediately pulled back from each other. I felt warm and shaky and only then noticed how close we had been. I didn’t even remember moving, but only a breath had separated us. What had happened? It was like a trance. A dream. I swallowed and tried to slow my pulse. â€Å"No problem. What’s going on?’ Sydney glanced between us, still looking uncomfortable. Her dating life might be non- existent, but even she knew what she’d walked in on. I was glad one of us did. â€Å"I †¦ that is †¦ I just wanted to come hang out. I can’t handle that going on downstairs.’ I attempted a smile, still utterly confused by my feelings. Why did Dimitri look at me like that? Why did he say that? He can’t still want me. He said he didn’t. He told me to leave him alone. â€Å"Sure. We were just †¦ talking,’ I said. She obviously didn’t believe me. I tried harder to convince her †¦ and myself. â€Å"We were talking about Jill. Do you have any ideas on how to get her to Court–seeing as we’re all outlaws?’ Sydney might not be an expert in personal relationships, but puzzles were familiar territory. She relaxed, her attention focusing inward as she tried to figure our problem out. â€Å"Well, you could always have her mother–‘ A loud crashing from downstairs abruptly cut her off. As one, Dimitri and I sprang for the door, ready to combat whatever mess Victor and Robert had caused. We both came screeching to a halt at the top of the stairs when we heard lots of shouts for everyone to get down. â€Å"Guardians,’ Dimitri said. â€Å"There are guardians raiding the house.’ How to cite Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-four, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Inviting Family School free essay sample

A look at an educational theory known as Invitational Theory and its implications. This paper examines an alternative educational theory known as the Invitational Theory. By shifting the emphasis from the needs of government, business and the educational institutions to those of the child, the promoters of Invitational Education claim that their focus on individual abilities, cooperative spirit, positive expectations and the needs of the community, results in benefits, not only for the children, but also for their families, their school and society in general. The writer explores the history of this educational theory and how it has been integrated into mainstream educational institutions. Todays world is one that is increasingly dominated by the theories and practices of globalization, standardization, competition and success. In its pivotal role, within the socialization process, education is regarded as a major factor in ensuring that societys prevalent values and needs are efficiently instilled and developed within the minds of the student population. We will write a custom essay sample on The Inviting Family School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This has resulted in pressures being placed upon schools to successfully promote these dominant social ideals, further evidenced by the growing number of rigorous academic targets and objectives which they are now required to meet. In many cases, this has led to educators adopting an authoritarian teaching style and a curriculum designed to emphasize the importance of academic success and individual competition. However, throughout the last thirty years, and partly in response to the above-mentioned developments, an alternative branch of educational thought, known as Invitational Theory, has been developing and growing in popularity.