Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Housing Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Housing Industry - Essay Example The increase in the number of household is as a result of population growth and migration and this in turn results inot an increase in the demand for houses. In 2006 the total number of houses in England was 21,989 thousand according to table 3.1, an analysis of the various regions it was evident that majority of these dwellings which is 16% were located in south east while only 5% of these dwellings were located in the north east region. (Calculations in appendixes 1) The following chart demonstrates the total number of dwellings in thousands for each region in 2006. It is evident from the chart that majority of dwellings are located in the south east and London which is 16% and 15% respectively of total dwellings in England. The following is an analysis of the total number of dwellings in the regions for the year 1996 and the year 2006(calculations in appendixes 2). From the above chart it is evident that each region has experienced an increase in the number of dwellings, however some regions have higher increase than other regions especially the South east region has the highest increase in the number of houses while the north east region has the lowest increase in the numbe... The north east region and the south east region: Percentages of the total for each year: From the above chart it is evident that there has been a decline in the percentage of the total for the South east region whereas there has been a relatively low decline in the percentage of the total for the North East region, however from the trend it is evident that the South east region has maintained a relatively high percentage of the total over the years compared to the North East region. Calculations in appendix 3. Trend in the number of houses in the N. east region and the S. east region: The following chart summarizes the trend in the number of houses in the N. east region: From the above chart it is evident that there has been an increase in the number of houses in the N. east region over the years. From the above chart it is evident that there has been a gradual increase in the number of houses in the S. east region over the years. Moving averages: We now analyze the moving average for the two regions over the years. The following table summarizes the simple centered 3 step moving average for the N. east region from the year 1997 to 2005: (calculations in appendix 4) N. East N. East moving average 1996 1,094 1997 1,100 1099.333 1998 1,104 1104 1999 1,108 1108 2000 1,112 1111.667 2001 1,115 1115 2002 1,118 1118.333 2003 1,122 1122 2004 1,126 1126.333 2005 1,131 1131.333 2006 1,137 The data is summarized by the following chart: The above line chart shows the 3 period centered moving average and the total number of houses in the N. East region. The following table summarizes the simple centered 3 step moving average for the S. east region from the year

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Changes of Market Shares for the Local Cars

The Changes of Market Shares for the Local Cars The local car market in Malaysia consists of local car manufacturers and companies that joint-venture with foreign company like Tan Chong and Datsun from Japan. The two main local car manufacturers are Proton and Perodua. Before the financial crisis in Malaysia at 1998, Proton was the leader in the local car market. Proton has the highest sales of cars than other car manufacturers. However, after the financial crisis, Perodua managed to take over the leadership in local car market. The main reason is Perodua has launched many new models as compared to Proton. The after-sales service by car manufacturer like Perodua was much better than Proton. The replacement parts for Proton is very far expensive than Perodua. Perodua also reduces their car prices to attract more buyers. Besides all these changes, the prices for the joint-venture cars are very expensive due to high sales tax and import duty. Currently, the sales tax is coming down for all the cars including local and foreign cars. T he joint-venture cars are expensive in Malaysia because they are considered as foreign cars and the government wants to encourage more local people to buy local cars. The local cars qualities are not par with the foreign cars. The new car buyers will look at the quality first before buying them. Lately, the car industries are very competitive because the foreign joint-ventures provide many new schemes to attract new car buyers. For example, they introduce the low interest financing which provide high loan and low interest rate. They want to attract more middle-income groups to buy their cars. The interest rate for national cars like Proton is higher than the non-national cars like Honda and Nissan. Even though the interest rate for national cars is high, the lower or middle income groups are likely to buy national cars. The main reason is the price for national cars are cheaper than the non-national cars. The EON Bank Bhd hire-purchase officer stated that: the banks revised interest rates for new non-national cars were 3.5% (5 year tenure), 4% (7-year) and 3.85% (9-year) while the rates for national cars now stood at 3.85% (5-year tenure), 4% (7-year) and 4.10% (9-year) (Yvonne Tan Eugene Mahalingam 2010, para. 6,7). For example, a proton car cost about RM 80,000 and the interest rate is 3.85% per annum. The new car buyer has to pay an interest of RM 3080. In contrast, a BMW car worth RM 300,000 and the interest rate is 3.5% per annum. The new car buyer has to pay RM 10,500 for interest. If a car buyer chooses to buy BMW, he or she has to pay an extra of RM 7420 of interest. The interest for both cars differs greatly because the price for both cars is totally different. The market shares among the local car manufacturers are divided when the new models from the joint-venture companies like Toyota and Nissan emerged into local car market. The table above shows the sales and production of passenger cars for the year of 2002 and 2003. For the year of 2002 and 2003, Proton maintained the leadership in the local car market. However, there was a decline in their sales volume from 214,373 units in 2002 to 155420 units in 2003 and their market shares fell from 59.6% to 48.6%. On the other hand, Perodua remained at the second position in the local car market. Peroduas sales volume fell from 114,265 units in 2002 to 111798 units in 2003 but their market shares rose from 31.7% to 35%. The new foreign cars like Toyota, Honda and Nissan have less market share in the local car market. The main reason is foreign cars price is much higher than the local cars like Proton and Perodua. Table 2 shows the analysis-by makes and segment for passenger vehicles. Before 2004, Proton has the largest market share in the local car market but after a few years, Perodua has overtaken Proton as the leader in the car sales. In 2008, Perodua managed to sell 167,392 units as compared to Proton that only sold 141,782 units. The market share for Perodua which is 33.6% is higher than Proton market share, 28.5%. The sales volume for Perodua increases from 166,735 units in 2009 to 188,641 units in 2010. The market share also rises from 34.3% to 34.7%. People like to buy Perodua cars because Perodua has better quality of model like Myvi. On the other hand, Protons sales volume increases from 141,782 units in 2008 to 147,744 units in 2009 and to 156,960 units in 2010. The market share for Proton cars rises from 28.5% in 2008 to 30.4% in 2009 but fell from 30.4% in 2009 to 28.9% in 2010. This drastic change happens because Proton cars are old-fashioned and Proton didnt change the model of the car but only modified them. Peroduas after-sales service is better than Protons after-sales service. It is always cheaper to maintain a Perodua car than a Proton car. The spare parts for Proton cars are expensive as compared to Perodua and the parts are in poor quality. The other foreign car like Honda increased their sales volume and market share in the local market. The sales volume for Toyota fell from 87,416 units in 2008 to 65,744 units in 2009 but increased to 71,065 units in 2010. The market share also fell from 17.6% in 2008 to 13.5% in 2009 and to 13.1% in 2010. Normally, the new car buyers will choose to buy national cars as the cars are cheaper than foreign cars. People cannot afford to buy the foreign cars because foreign cars double the price of national cars like Proton and Perodua. Besides this, the resale value for foreign cars is much higher than the local manufactured cars. Reasons for the Changes to the Local Car Market The two main reasons for the changes to the local car market are sales tax and excise duty and Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA). Sales tax is a single stage tax imposed at the import or manufacturing levels. (Taxation, 2011) All the buyers need to pay sales tax and excise duty for all vehicles whether is local manufactured or foreign assembled. The car buyers need to pay more if they buy foreign cars like Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Raslan Sharif (2011, p.49) noted these taxes are a source of considerable revenue for the Government as about 500,000 vehicles are sold every year in Malaysia. If the foreign car is too expensive, the new car buyers will prefer to buy local cars as they are cheaper and no import duties. For example, the original cost of a Honda car is RM 53,000, however, because of sales tax and excise duty, the Honda car has increased the price to RM 93,000. The new car buyer has to pay an extra of RM 40,000 for a Honda car. The price of a Toyota Vios in Malaysia is about RM 8 3,000 but in Thailand the car only costs for RM 43,000. Sales tax and excise duty can affect the sales of local cars or foreign cars. The Malaysian Insider stated that: Malaysians were currently paying eye-watering excise duties of between 65 to 105 per cent on top of 10 per cent in sales tax. (Lee Wei Lian, 2011) Sales tax and excise duty also decrease the quantity traded for local cars in the local car market. Excise duty is a type of tax that imposed on buyers. Excise duties are levied on selected products manufactured in Malaysia, namely cigarettes, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, playing cards, mahjong tiles and motor vehicles. (Excise Duty, 2011) Excise duty is an ad valorem tax levied on manufacture, sale, or use of locally produced goods. (Excise duty, Business Dictionary.com) Initially, the diagram above represents the demand and supply for the local cars. D0 is the initial demand for local cars and S0 represents the supply of the local cars. D0 and S0 are intersecting at point e0. The equilibrium price is P0 and the quantity traded for local cars is Q0. The supply of local cars shifts to the left from S0 to S1. The price of the local cars increases from P0 to P1. The quantity traded for local cars also decreases from Q0 to Q1. When the new car buyers know there is an increase in the price for local cars, they will not buy them. Eventually, the demand curve shifts to the left from D0 to D1. The quantity traded for local cars decreases from Q1 to Q2 and the price of the local cars become uncertain. Apart from sales tax and excise duty, the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) also contributes to the changes for the local car market. The sales tax and excise duty is coming down because of Asean Free Trade Area(AFTA). AFTA is a collective effort by ASEAN member countries to reduce or eliminate tariffs on intra-ASEAN trade in the goods sector. (Introduction, miti.gov.my) If there is no reduction in sales tax and excise duty, those investors would not want to invest in Malaysia and Malaysias local cars like Proton and Perodua cars cannot sell to other countries. Malaysias excise duty is much higher than other asean countries like Thailand and Indonesia. People would not want to buy Malaysias cars as their own countries cars have better quality and cheap. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a few changes to the local car market. Perodua has taken over the leadership from Proton in the local car market. The sales of the Perodua are better than Proton because Peroduas car is cheap and has better after-sales service. The car industries in Malaysia are competitive as more people are able to buy foreign cars. In my opinion, Malaysians mostly will choose foreign cars if they can afford to buy a foreign car. If they are in the low or middle-level income group, they would probably choose Peroduas car as their first choice. Proton cars have more car problems and in poor quality than Perodua cars. People would buy foreign cars as they would not depreciate much when compared to local cars. The resale value for local cars like Perodua and Proton are low too. Foreign cars are expensive because of the high taxation on foreign cars. I think that the government have high taxation on foreign cars in order to protect Proton. People have lost confidence on Proton cars as the model is lousy and the spare parts are expensive than other local cars like Perodua.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Market Economy :: essays research papers

A Market Economy is the most efficient way of organizing economic activities. Millions of suppliers (firm) and consumers (buyers) make the markets. The suppliers and consumers sell and purchase goods that satisfy the wants of consumers and suppliers. Suppliers and consumers make rational decisions, respond to incentives and make tradeoffs. Over all trade makes everyone better off. (Mankiw) If one firm does not meet the wants of the consumer then they will lose their place in the market. Sales for most major retailers have risen this quarter, while others have fallen. The over all sales gain equals 7.9%. (Chandler) Sales rose because consumers are not bothered by threats of war. Also, they feel confident in current and future stability of the economy. The reason some retailers lost and most gained could be a number of possibilities: Prices might be too high for the consumer’s taste. Marketing strategies appealed to consumer’s tastes. Consumer’s expectation of future prices and economic stability. Consumer purchasing goods from some firms dropped. This could have been because of price increase of goods sold by retailers. Prices of goods rose because of cost increase due to the rise in Average Total Cost. Average Total Cost is Total Cost (everything that is given up to pay for good) divided by Quantity (how many goods the firm produces). This will be driven up by the Variable Cost (costs that vary with the quantity of output produced) because of inflation; wage increase and cost of goods needed to produce the final good. With some firms rising having their Average Total Cost going up and not increasing price, they will lose profit. Profit is attained by [Total Revenue (the amount a firm receives for sales of it’s output) divided by Quantity minus Total Cost divided by Quantity] multiplied by Quantity. Or, Profit will equal (Price minus Average Total Cost) multiplied by Quantity. If the Average Total Cost is larger than the price than the firm will face either raising price or with a short-term profit loss-shutdown. If profit loss is in effect with the firms long-run Average Total Cost then the firm will have to cut their losses and exit the market. (Mankiw) One reason why most firms did better than others is because of their Average Total Cost being lower than the price. They will be able to make the profit that is needed for the firm to survive. Another reason is because the firm has a strong marketing strategy. Marketing involves the gathering of useful data: what the consumer wants. When the data gathered and studied the information provided will let the firm know what goods to produce or what type of advertising to use. Advertisers will make it seem that the firm’s

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Ohio Gang

Hilary Barrett April 13, 2009 Ohio History Dr. Patrick Thieving Their Way into History In 1919 World War I had come to an end. Ten years later the stock market crashed throwing the United States into a Great Depression. The time period in between was a time that was classified by a boom in the economy and prohibition legalized by the eighteenth amendment. This amendment had lead to an increase of organized crime nationwide. In that time span of these two prominent moments in American history was one of the most scandalous presidencies in American history. It came from no other than Ohioan Warren G.Harding. Harding can be considered one of the worst presidents of all time. He won the Presidential election of 1920 which made him officially the President in January of 1921. Once he became president, he immediately made up his cabinet. Three members of his cabinet included his attorney general Harry Daugherty, his secretary of the navy Edwin Denby, and his secretary of the interior Alber t Fall. These three men along with Charles Forbes, Thomas Miller and Jess Smith were coined ‘The Ohio Gang’. ‘The Ohio Gang’ was a group of men either in Harding’s cabinet or they directly knew Harding.Although some of the members are not from Ohio, they were coined this name due to their relation to Harding. In fact a majority of the members were not from Ohio. Harding let these men do as they pleased. These men single handily put together some of the biggest scams of the 1920’s. The scandals they pulled off were neither elaborate or spectacular but they made a ton of money off of them. Daugherty was Harding’s first appointed cabinet member. The beginnings of ‘The Ohio Gang’ surfaced while Daugherty was in office. He was accused of selling his vote for five thousand dollars.From that point on any kind of scandal relating to Daugherty and had an affiliation with President Harding went simultaneously with ‘The Ohio Gan g’. In a nutshell, as soon as Daugherty was appointed by Harding, the gang began their scandals. Not only that, Daugherty was the single backing of all of the scandals that occurred during Harding’s presidency. For all tense and purposes Daugherty was the backbone of ‘The Ohio Gang’. The Department of Justice at the time had two desks with the names Jess Smith and Howard Mannington on them. Jess Smith was a long time friend of Daugherty. Daugherty and his brother actually set Smith up in business.Mannington was a long time political companion of Smith. They had both worked in Columbus together. Both Smith and Mannington were brought to Washington to help the attorney general. Mannington was released from his office though. Harding believed that Mannington was becoming too reckless for his administration and sent him to Cuba. He had slight affiliations with the gang but never really lived them out the affilations as much as the other members did. He went th ere on behalf of the largest banking company in the United States and was then no longer officially associated with ‘The Ohio Gang’.The 1920’s was a time of prohibition and having someone who was considered an alcoholic as a President only lead to scandal. The only part of ‘The Ohio Gang’ that related to Mannington was the embezzlement of alcohol to New York. John Gorini, Bill Orr, and Mannington would illegally sell permits. The money for these permits was given to Gorini, then to Orr, then to Mannington. Then if you would actually want to buy liquor you could at an extra cost. Every member of the chain of sales got a little kickback. Gorini alone made over two hundred thousand dollars in a matter of four months.Orr and Mannington also got cuts that big and sometimes bigger. Also, Manningtons right hand man, Jess Smith, also got a cut. The rest of the money made on the selling of alcohol and permits was not known by Gorini where it ended up. This wa s the only relation that Mannington had to the gang. Since he was gone before anything major had happened, he was the only one who got away without repercussion. He became rich and went on to have a very successful life. ‘The Ohio Gang’ even went and had their scandals go international. A Japanese man had a connection with Mitsui and Company.The bankers of this company handed one hundred one thousand dollar bills to the Japanese man. He in turn gave the bills to Gaston B. Means. Means originally worked for the Bureau of Investigation in Ohio. Means then handed over all of the money to Jess Smith. That was a grand total of 100,000 dollars made with just this one company. Harry Daugherty never seemed to be out of the action in all of the scandals that ‘The Ohio Gang’ was a part of. It started with alien property custodian Thomas Miller. He had accepted bribes by Smith to illegally transfer a German-owned American subsidiary to the American firm.John King also had a part in this scandal. He manipulated the alien property custodian’s office to his own benefit. He died right after he was indicted for this case. It was found that he left his widow fifty thousand dollars in American Metals bonds. Daugherty is connected because all three of these men were indicted for this case. It was the case that eventually leads to the demise of the head of ‘The Ohio Gang’. The biggest scandal that ‘The Ohio Gang’ pulled off was the Teapot Dome Scandal. The Teapot Dome is an area of oil bearing land in Wyoming and Elks Hills in California.The land had been set aside for the Navy in order to provide them with petroleum. Edwin Denby was the Navy Secretary at the time. He had almost complete control of what happened to this area. Albert Fall, who was the secretary of interior, was illegally leasing the land to two oil companies; the Mammoth Oil Company and the pan American Petroleum Company. In return, Fall would receive pers onal loans or gifts from the two different oil companies. Once the scandal came to a close, Fall had made over four hundred thousand dollars in loans or gifts.Fall resigned his position once authorities found out what exactly was going on in Wyoming and California. During the U. S. investigation, Denby was called to the stand. Since he was the one who was supposed to be watching the area one would think that he would have known exactly what was going on. Yet, he was another pawn of Daugherty and came to the stand and basically pleaded the fifth. It was clear that during his confession that he was too stupid to be crooked like the rest and just went along with what Daugherty or Harding wanted him to do.Due to the way he acted during the interrogation, he is known as Harding’s best employee since he did not confess to anything. During the Senate hearing, it came to the court that Fall used the money to pay off ten years of backed taxes. Two people also came to the stand and adm itted that they had leased land from Fall. They were Harry Sinclair and Edward Dohney. They both admitted to giving Fall large loans in order to lease off the land. Fall pleaded the fifth on these two accusations. Fall was found guilty on accepting money for oil leases. He was fined one hundred thousand dollars and sent to a year in jail.All of the oilfields were returned to the U. S. Navy. Charles Forbes was appointed by President Harding as the director of the Bureau of Veteran’s affairs. It was created by President Harding in order to help out veterans of World War One and future veterans of other possible wars. It has been since renamed and still holds some status today. Forbes did serve in WWI in the marines and had a reputation as being a deserter. Once Forbes received his rank from Harding, he immediately gave himself the honor of being a colonel in the United States Army.Also, the biggest scandal of the Bureau of Veteran’s affairs was that Forbes embezzled two hundred and fifty million dollars. This money was collected to help out various veterans and Forbes kept it for himself and the gang. As quickly as ‘The Ohio Gang’ came to power, they fell just as hard. Harding died on August 2, 1923. It has been said that he died from pneumonia yet it also could have been a heart attack. With this Calvin Coolidge came into office since he was Harding’s Vice-President. Once Coolidge took the oath of the oval office, ‘The Ohio Gang’ and their dominance in scandalous political events was over.The gang had put most of their funds that they received in a bank that Daugherty’s son burned to the ground. All of the embezzled money was mostly now gone. A perfectly good reason for this was so the authorities would not see the bank books of the gang. This way they could not arrest them on charges of tax invasion as well as the ones that they were facing already. Another place that the money ended up was in Means backyar d. Means had back gate that was opened with a special key. It was in some ways almost as good as a bank vault. It was camouflaged with vines so the average person would not see it.It was a small steel box that was lowered into the ground by a strong rope. Means kept the money that Smith had bought to him. He always kept a detailed account on how much money was coming in and how much was going out. At times, Means had as little as fifty thousand dollars and as much as five hundred thousand dollars in his backyard. Smith would usually make withdrawals and go right to Daugherty’s house. Jess Smith always had a key role in the gangs constant thieving. Smith was Daugherty’s right hand man. He helped Daugherty get much of his money. Smith had brought a revolver in Columbus the night before he committed suicide.Daugherty was with Smith the night he had bought the gun. Daugherty had gone to sleep and was awakened to Smith rolling around with a revolver in his hand. Smith was n ot dead yet, but he was on the point of going crazy and shooting himself. The next night he had been rooming with a friend of Daugherty. This person was awakened by a crash and saw Smith with his head in a waste basket and a revolver in his right hand. One of the main members was now dead and Daugherty was coming up on indictment. Not much is known why Smith killed himself but much can be assumed. The main theory is that Smith knew way too much.If Daugherty and Harding were the master minds, Smith was their associate handing out tasks to all of their little pawns; he knew everything. Most historians think that he killed himself because he did not want to go through the agony of trial along with spilling the inner most workings of the gang. Charles Forbes was the next one to go. He was brought to trial on a conviction of embezzlement. Yet, he stood no chance. Once his actions went public, he was immediately convicted of embezzlement. He received a one hundred thousand dollar fine and two years in jail.His actions brought attention to the American public. It showed just how distrustful government officials are among the American people. Ironically Daugherty was forced to investigate most of the stuff that was going on during Harding’s presidency. Congress, at the time, said that Daugherty was doing a poor job investigating these cases. Once Daugherty backed Smith for his suicide, which he claimed it was just illness; the Senate launched an investigation on him. Daugherty was not directly linked to anything that the gang did. Yet, Daugherty still resigned his post as attorney general.It was a sketchy move that a lot of people still question. It was not until Hoover’s administration that all of the members of ‘The Ohio Gang’ were out of office. They were a modern day mob, who had all of the resources to get what they wanted. Harding’s presidency is solidified with their actions and should rightfully so. He headed the most scandalo us cabinets in presidential history. All of the members were not the brightest in the bunch but they got what they wanted. Although they paid the price for their actions, they will go down as the biggest bunch of crooks to ever step into such high authority as they did.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Middle Ages & Renaissance Study Guide

Middle Ages Dates: 500-1450 1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? It was a chaotic period of social and political unrest. Religious and political differences between and within regions led to nearly constant warfare. The life of all the classes was dominated by the feudal system – feudalism. 2. Who or what had the power? The church 3. Who were learned or literate? Holy men or people of important status such as kings, queens, and knights most other people were illiterate 4. Who were allowed to sing in church? Only men were allowed to sing in church 5.Most of the music that was notated during the middle ages was sacred or secular? Sacred 6. Was most medieval music vocal? Yes 7. What is Gregorian Chant? Discuss its origin, texture, melody, rhythm, text. How did it receive its name? What is its purpose? Music to which portions of the Roman Catholic service are sung by unaccompanied voices singing in unison. The melodies of Gregorian chant are commonly sung a capable and in unison by men and boys, or by women in female religious institutions such as convents. The rhythm is free and flexible.The text may be treated in a syllabic manner with one note of music corresponding to each syllable of text. 8. When chant was notated, was the rhythm notated or Just the melody? Gregorian Chant and Just the melody 9. What are church modes? Any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until 1600 10. What is the Mass? Roman Catholic worship service 11. What is the Proper of the Mass? Parts of the mass change according to the seasons of the church year around Easter and others at Characteristic; they are proper or appropriate, only at certain times. 12. What is the Ordinary of the Mass?Parts of the mass celebrated at any season of the year or time of the day. 13. Who is Hildebrand of Bigger? 12th century Benedictine abbess who was a composer of sacred song and chant 14. When did composers begin to write polyphonic pieces? What was this ea rly polyphony like? 15. What is a canon? Polyphonic composition in which all the voices perform the same melody, beginning at different times 16. What is a drone? Sustained tone 17. What is an station? Persistently repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern 18. What is the liturgy? Words of the mass 19. Who is Gallinule De Mach? The century poet and musician who composed the first complete polyphonic setting of the entire Ordinary of the Mass. 20. What city became the musical center of Europe during the mid to late Middle Ages? What was the musical center of this city and who worked there? Vienna Composers came from all over Europe to train in and around Vienna, and gradually they developed and formalized the standard musical forms that were to dominate European musical culture for the next several decades. 21. Composers began to write polyphonic songs that were not always based on chant, what were hey based on instead? 22.By the 14th century a new system of music notation had evolved. It allowed a composer to specify almost any rhythmic pattern. Were beats now divided into two or three parts or both? Was syncopation used? Both and yes Renaissance Dates: 1450-1600 1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? 2. What is humanism? Period characterized by a new optimism, that began in 14th century Italy and spread throughout western Europe during the Renaissance 3. What effect did the printing press have on music? It enabled books to be printed quickly and inexpensively, making them available to commoners 4.Was every educated person expected to be trained in music? Yes 5. Where did musical activity gradually shift to? From the church to the court 6. Were composers content to remain unknown? No not anymore 7. Does vocal music continue to be more important than instrumental music? Yes 9. What is word painting? Musical illustrations of verbal concepts 10. What is the primary texture of most renaissance music? Polyphonic 11. How many different parts are typically found in a renaissance piece? How does this compare to the music in the Middle Ages?Typical pieces have four, five, or six parts, but medieval music had two and three parts. 12. What is a capable? Unaccompanied group singing 13. What was the rhythm like in renaissance music? Rhythm is more a gentle flow than a sharply defined beat. 14. What was the melody like in renaissance music? The melody usually moves along a scale with few large leaps. 15. What were to the two main types of sacred music? Define each of them? Motet is a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass. Mass is a polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections: Keri, Gloria,Credo, Sanctum, and Gangs Die. 16. Who was Joaquin Deeper? What type of music did he compose? Netherlands composer of the Renaissance who composed Western Music 17. Who was Giovanni Periling dad Palestinian? Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best- known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. 18. What was the counter-reformation and the Council of Trend? The time when the Church launched its counter-attack to reformation 19. List the three complaints with the sacred music of the day? 20. What is a Lutheran chorale?A four-part choral piece by theologies and writer Martin Luther, who also composed, used in Lutheran church services. 21. What is a psalm tune? Tuneful settings of the 150 psalms in versions suitable for congregational singing 20. What is a madrigal? Secular song introduced in Italy that became popular in England as well. Polyphonic in texture and expressive in mood, madrigals are written in the vernacular. 21. Who was Thomas Wilkes? An organist and church composer 22. How were instruments categorized in the Renaissance? Low or soft 23. Explain how dances are performed together?During the Renaissance period, there was a distinction between country dances and court dances. Court dances required the dance rs to be trained and were often for display and entertainment, whereas country dances could be attempted by anyone. At Court, the formal entertainment would often be followed by many hours of country dances which all present could Join in. Dances described as country dances such as Charlatans or Carthaginian remained popular over a long period – over two centuries in the case of this dance. A Renaissance dance can be likened to a ball.