Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Police Shouldn t Be Allowed For Search A Cell Phone Of...

Student Professor Course Date OUTLINE Title: Police shouldn’t be allowed to search a cell phone of anyone they arrest without a warrant. Thesis: The basic right to privacy and with it the unfortunate antithesis of the barbaric act of police in searching through a cellphone of anyone they arrest without a warrant. 1. Introduction a) The importance of privacy. b) Thesis statement. 2. Overview of warrants a) The process of issuance of warrants. b) Why warrant is necessary. 3. The right to privacy a) The original aim of formulating rights to privacy. b) The limits to the privacy. 4. Exceptional cases a) Why warrantless search can be conducted. b) Examples of such cases. 5. Cellphone exceptionality in warrantless search a) The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the warrant requirement for mobile phone searching. b) Implication for the future. 6. Conclusion The police shouldn’t be allowed to search a cell phone of anyone they arrest without a warrant. Introduction Every citizen has a fundamental right to privacy and this is enshrined in the constitution. The event of losing privacy is a chilling experience similar to being laid naked in public. This situation mainly occurs when police arrests a suspect and searching everything, even the unnecessary private belongings in the name of conducting investigations. The common intrusion to personal information nowadays is seizure of cell phone by the police in arrest cases (Stephens et al. 31). The awareness of ones right to privacy and

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Diffusion Theory Of Society - 1790 Words

In today’s society we have made remarkable advances and discoveries that truly leave us in awe; however, we tend to forget about the roots of this tree and what nourished it to become who we are now, in other words, our history. The scientist, historians, and archeologist have worked for centuries trying to discover our origin to gain the knowledge that will answer a vast amount of questions. One of the most mysterious topics are the native Americans, and how they came to America, which is known to be by the diffusion theory. Although, there is many other theories or hypothesis this is one of the most well-known, according to the evidence. The diffusion theory happened about 40,000 years ago, also known as the straight crossing. In this event it is thought that all humans are originally from Africa, then later spread throughout the world. The way the Native Americans crossed to America from Africa is that they went through the† Bering Bridge† a natural bridge between Alaska and Siberia, which now is gone due to the warming of the planet. As time progressed people migrated towards what is known in present day as the United States. However, due to the Ice Age the Native Americans moved to the southern states that include, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and also Mexico. Another interesting fact is that there is other supporting evidence that says other peo ple traveled to Mexico or Central America by way of vessel. The reason behind this conclusion is because there wereShow MoreRelatedThe Evolutionary Social Theories ( Teggart ) Essay1051 Words   |  5 Pagesobserved many similarities in the traits and the material culture among different societies. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Mel Brooks as Jewish Comedian free essay sample

Mel Brookss membership in the elite club of Jewish comedians is essentially impossible to dispute. The question is whether or not his comedy is atypical. Satirizing Jewish history and klutzy old Jewish men is normal for Jewish comedy. However, Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party, is something that you would not expect to hear in typical Jewish comedy (The Producers). Defined broadly, there are two forms which Mel Brookss Jewish humor takes. The first form is to discuss specifically Jewish topics in a funny way. will writing service hull This is evident in The Producers and in the Inquisition scene from History of the World, Part I. The other form is to use certain aspects of Judaism for comedic value. This form, is typically used by Brooks as a means for a quick laugh as opposed to a major source of plot definition, and is most apparent in such scenes as that with the Yiddish-speaking Indian in Blazing Saddles. While exploring Brookss types of Jewish humor, this paper will limit its scope. Only four of Brookss films will be discussed in this paper-The Producers, Blazing Saddles, History of the World, Part I, and To Be or Not To Be. These films were chosen because the quantity of Jewish content in all of them is considerably more than in his other films such as Young Frankenstein or Silent Movie. The four films chosen do an excellent job of portraying the complete range of the types of Jewish-related humor, which Brooks uses. To understand Mel Brooks identity as a specifically Jewish comedian it is important to understand how Jewish he actually was. Melvin Kaminsky was born as the youngest of four brothers in a crowded New York City apartment to Kitty and Max Kaminsky. He grew up in a very Jewish area were on Saturdays, the shops were closed, the pushcarts parked, and Yiddish replaced with Hebrew in over seventy orthodox synagogues. However, Brooks himself spent his Saturdays enjoying matinees at the Marcy Theater. He married a non-Jewish woman and allowed his son, Max, to be baptized only as long as he was allowed to have a bar-mitzvah. When asked by the media if he wanted his wife to convert he replied She dont have to convert. She a star! (Yacowar 10-14). Before discussing the films, it is crucial to identify a recurring theme in Brookss work-Germans and, more specifically, Nazis. He had a brief military career in World War II with very little combat experience, and he actually ended up being the entertainment coordinator for the army. Yacowar analyzes Brooks later feelings towards Germans as subconscious frustration because of his inability to actually fight the Nazis (Yacowar 17). In an interview he was asked about his obsession with Germans, and he replied: Me not like Germans? Why should I not like Germans? Just because theyre arrogant and have fat necks and do anything theyre told as long as it is cruel, and killed millions of Jews in concentration camps and made soap out of their bodies and lamp shades out of their skins? Is that any reason to hate their f-king guts? (Yacowar 32) Brooks has mocked Germans in various works such as in Your Show of Shows and on the Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks at the Cannes film festival audio recording. Regardless, of the origin of his interest with Nazis, if one looks at enough of his work, one cannot help but notice that this theme is an obsession for Brooks (Yacowar 34-35, 48). Mel Brooks made his first feature film, The Producers, in 1967. It is about a Jewish Broadway producer (Max Bialystock) who convinces his Jewish accountant (Leo Bloom) to finance a guaranteed to fail play with the idea that they would take the profits and run to South America. The guaranteed to fail play, Springtime for Hitler turned out to be a huge success. The two main characters both represent completely different Jewish stereotypes and the third area of Jewish interest in the film is the role of Germans both in the play and the ex-Nazi author, Frank Liebkind (Altman 39). Max Bialystock (played by Zero Mostel) is obviously not a first generation American because of his name and his accent. Although he never does anything specifically Jewish, he is still Jewish so it is relevant to look at his relationship to Jewish stereotypes. In his book, Telushkin discusses the tradition of having big and lavish bar mitzvahs, he says that the Jewish tradition has few curbs to halt such excesses(74). It is interesting to see how Bialystock chooses to live in almost poverty. Although he is so poor that he says Look at me now-Im wearing a cardboard belt, he also wears a reasonably nice jacket, has a leather coach, and keeps every old ladys picture in a decent frame. Later in the film, when he gets a lot of money, he spends it on a chauffeured car, a sexy secretary, lavish offices and new clothes, rather then spending it on new office equipment or investing it for future financial security (Telushkin 83). Leo Bloom, the accountant (played by Gene Wilder), represents the opposite stereotype from Bialystock. He represents the meek Jew, the Jew-as-doormat. In the beginning of the movie, he walks in on Max trying to get some money from an investor (he catches them lying on top of each other) and is so surprised and in shock that he has to be told to say oops (The Producers). This fits right into the stereotype of Jews as remorseful and ashamed of their sexual desires (The Poducers). Bialystock fulfills the other stereotype of Jewish men who have been portrayed as sex-hungry animals in many jokes. Blooms choice of career is also known as a Jewish career. In the end, he, like Bialystock, ends up fulfilling one of the most basic stereotypes of Jews-he gives in to his greed (Telushkin 93). There are also many small Jewish references in the film. There is an ignorant, and very gay, director named Roger DeBris, who directs Springtime for Hitler and has a familiar Yiddish term in his name (Telushkin 86-87). Also, in the beginning of the movie Bialystock has a funny dialogue with his landlord and it is the only part of the movie in which religion is involved. Bialystock: Murderer, thief, how can you take the last penny out of a poor mans pocket? Landlord: I have to, Im a landlord. Bialystock: Oh lord, hear my plea: Destroy him, he maketh a blight on the land. Landlord: Dont listen to him-hes crazy (The Producers). When one hears the conversation, with the Landlord speaking in a Jewish accent and Bialystock calling out at the heavens, sounding like an abused Jewish mother, it is a lot funnier and the Jewish element is a lot clearer as well. Brooks message in this movie has been largely debated. Lester D. Freidman thinks, Bialystock and Bloom fail to find their flop because they underestimate their audiences deadened sensibilities (173). Brooks is trying to point out that the shock and horror that everyone should view the holocaust in, is mainly a Jewish mindset. In the movie, he made two perfect Jews, and their perfection caused them two have a mindset that was different from the rest of the American public. Therefore, the movie is about more than a pair of corrupt showmen. It is about the segregation of Jews. Bailystock and Bloom are not yet Americans, they still carry a separate identity. In 1974, Brooks came out with Blazing Saddles which is much less Jewish than The Producers. The movie is about a town with a corrupt Attorney General who wants take over the town. The townspeople get the governor to send a new sheriff to restore order. He sends Sheriff Bart who is a black man with Gucci saddlebags on his horse. The townspeople end up working with the new Sheriff to defeat Hedley Lamarr (the attorney general) and his band of hooligans. Jewish topics are in the film as occasional funny parts and not as major parts of the plot. The funniest and most recognizable part of the movie where Judaism is involved is Sheriff Barts recollection of how his family got to the west. According to the Sheriff, strange Indians attacked their wagon. Brooks, who plays the Indian chief, allows Bart and his family to go, he tells his tribe, Zeit nishe meshugge. Loz em gaien†¦Abee gezint. Which basically means, take off. Some feel this is Brooks trying to get some cheap laughs by using Yiddish, but Friedman points out that it is comically appropriate that the Wests most conspicuous outsider, the Indian, should speak in the tongue of historys traditional outsider, the Jew (77). Other than this reference, Blazing Saddles use of Judaism is really little more than an occasional punch line. When Hedley Lamarr is looking for a way to get the citizens of Rock Ridge to leave, his associate recommends killing the first-born male child in every family, to which Lamarr replies-too Jewish (Blazing Saddles). When Mongo (a gigantic ruffian) comes into the saloon, someone in the background says Gottenew (Oh God! ), another Yiddish term (Yacowar 110). Not surprisingly, Mel Brooks finds a way to squeeze Germans into a movie set in the late 19th Centurys Wild West. In the finale of the movie, Lamarr recruits an army of lowlifes. In the army there is a small group of German soldiers who spend much of the fistfight sitting with a Ms. Lily von Shtupp (a not so talented lounge singer) singing the same war song heard in The Producers (Blazing Saddles). Finally, the Indian on many movie promotional materials (including the video cover) has the Hebrew for kosher for Passover inscribed in his headband. Strangely enough, these relatively small Jewish references got the attention of the Jewish Film Advisory Committee, whose director, Allen Rivkin, spoke to a writer about the offensiveness of the Jewish material. The writers response was, Dad, get with it. This is another century(Doneson 128) Blazing Saddles is a movie of the second type identified. It does not deal with specifically Jewish topics. It does, however, use Jewish topics as a way of forwarding the plot and the comedy. Whether the critics were right that Brooks was just using Yiddish because he found it funny, or if he was using it because he wanted to make a point about racism and exclusion, what is most important is that he actually used Yiddish, instead of something more expected (Yacowar 110). 981s History of the World, Part I, falls somewhere between The Producers and Blazing Saddles in its level of Jewish content (Freidman 236). The movie, is basically, a quick tour through history going from the discovery of fire to the French Revolution. Within the movie, there are two skits that are specifically of Jewish interest (Moses on Mount Sinai and the Spanish Inquisition. ) In the Old Testament, God identifies himself as the Lord , and asks Moses if he can hear Him. Mel Brooks, in a robe and white beard says Yes. I hear you. I hear you. A deaf man could hear you. When Moses tells the people of the new laws, he says, The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given onto these 15 [crash] 10, 10 Commandments for all to obey. Although Moses obviously had to be Jewish, one wonders why he had to be so klutzy a comic. In Rome, Gregory Hines, playing Josephus, a slave who is not sold in the auction, attempts to get out of being sent to the Coliseum where he would be lion food. His excuse is that the lions only eat Christians, Christians, and I am a Jew-Jewish person. To prove this, he starts singing Havah Negilah and gets the entire crowd to join him. He even tells the slave trader to call Sammus Davis Jr. (after calling the temple and the rabbi). Eventually, the trader looks down his pants, to prove he is not Jewish (History of the World, Part I). Empress Nympho, Caesars wife, is a strange cross between a J. A. P. and a sex maniac. She has a classic Jewish mother accent and uses Yiddish occasionally-Well shlep him along, for example. Towards the end of the movie, Brooks calls a courtier of Louis XVI a petite putz (History of the World, Part I). This is obviously a strange place to hear Yiddish, unless the intent is comic effect. Finally, though, the most outrageous scene, and the one that some Jews have found quite objectionable is the one about the Spanish Inquisition. It should be noted that Brookss portrayal of the Inquisition as being directed against Jews is historically inaccurate. It was really directed against heretical Christians. Because of this inaccuracy, it is safe to assume that Brooks wanted to put this scene in as a Jewish note into his film, as he did with the other films discussed. The Inquisition scene is filmed in a medieval dungeon. It starts by introducing the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada (Mel Brooks) with Torquemada-do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada-do not beg him for forgiveness†¦. Lets face it, you cant Torquemada [talk him outta] anything, then the music starts. One of the lines in the song is A fact youre ignoring, its better to lose your skullcap with your skull, which is emphasized by two old Jewish men in stocks singing oy oy gevalt. After a few descriptions of the actual torture which individual Jews suffered, he points out that nothing is working, send in the nuns. The nuns perform a synchronized swimming routine in which Jews are sent down a chute into a pool to be dragged under by nuns. At the end of the scene, seven nuns are standing on a menorah with sparklers on their heads, while the chorus, led by Torquemada, sings, Come on you Moslems and you Jews. Weve got big news for all of youse. Youd better change your points of views today. Cause the Inquisitions here, and its here to st ay. When Brooks was criticized for this scene he replied: Nothing can burst the balloon of pomposity and dictatorial splendor better than comedy†¦. In a sense, my comedy is serious, and I need a serious background to play against†¦. Poking fun at the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada, is a wonderful counterpart to the horrors he committed (Friedman 236). This would make History of the World, Part I comparable to The Producers in its satire of Hitler, and makes Blazing Saddles also comparable through its satirical treatment of racism. If one still thought that Brooks made History of the World, Part I with only good intentions, one should also consider the treatment of Jews and Germans in the ending of the film. The promo for History of the World, Part II includes scenes such as Hitler on Ice, and Jews in Space, in which Jews are in a space craft singing Were Jews out in space. Were zooming along protecting the Hebrew race†¦. When Goyim attacks us, well give em a slap. Well smack em right back in the face. It definitely seems that History of the World, Part I is a combination, (just as the others movies discussed are) of exploitation for easy laughs and of exposing the evils of the tyrants who have tormented the Jews throughout history. In To Be or Not To Be, Mel Brooks plays Fredrick Bronski, the head actor in a Polish stage revue, around the time of the Nazi annexation of Poland. His wife, Anna Bronski (Anna Bancroft) falls in love with an Air Force lieutenant working in the Polish platoon of the RAF. The main focus of the movie is how they make fun of, get around, outwit, and ultimately escape the Nazis. This movie is actually a remake of an older film, but it still has a distinctively Mel Brooks feel. The main target of Brookss satire is the head of the Gestapo, Colonel Erhardt (Charles Durning) who is a babbling fool. For example, when on the phone, he says What? Why? Where When? When in doubt, arrest them, arrest them, arrest them! Then shoot them and interrogate them. [pause] Oh you are right, just shoot them. Soon after this, he is led to believe that the shoot first policy led to the deaths of two useful figures and after asking what idiot formed the policy, he got mad at Shultz, his assistant, for reminding him that he made the policy. Later on, he has this exchange with Shultz: Erhardt: What idiot gave the order to close the Bronskis theater? Schultz: You did, sir. Erhardt: Open it up immediately. And once and for all stop blaming everything that goes wrong on me (To Be or Not To Be). After being warned to stop making jokes about Hitler, Erhardt promises, No. Never, never, never again, [emphasis added] strange words to hear from a nazi. Although this movie is not about Jews, there are a few Jewish characters and encounters. Bronski hides a Jewish family in his theaters cellar and during the course of the movie, theyre number increases. At one point, the intelligence agent goes to the theater to find his lover, Bronskis wife. The Jewish women hiding there tells him You know that big house on Posen Street? Well dont go there, its Gestapo headquarters, before actually telling where she was staying (To Be or Not To Be). At the end of the movie, they dress up all the Jews hiding in the cellar (closer to 20 than the 3 who originally hid out in the cellar) as clowns to have them run through the aisle (in the middle of a performance for Hitler) to a truck to safety. One old lady panics in the aisle, surrounded by Nazis. To save the old lady, another clown runs up to them and pins an oversized yellow star, yelling Juden! , this causes an enormous laughter from the Nazi audience. To stall the Gestapo, Brooks dresses up as Hitler, and listens to a Jewish actor perform the Hath not a Jew eyes speech from Merchant of Venice. To Be or Not To Be appears to be Brookss final way of coping with his lack of combat in WWII. While he has The Producers make a play in which they portray the Nazis comically, the ultimate message is that the two Jews in the movie still find them to be patently offensive, and therefore, worthy of some form of respect. In To Be or Not To Be he makes the Nazis into purely comical characters, and this is a step further than Brooks went in The Producers. However, this simply may be because at the point of To Be or Not To Be, Brooks was well into his career as an established moviemaker, so he had more freedom to be offensive. Unfortunately, To Be or Not To Be ended the golden age of Mel Brooks movies, at least from a specifically Jewish point-of-view. His later films make only small mentions of Jewish topics. An example of this is Spaceballs, a parody of Star Wars where the main characters have to save a princess from Planet Druidia (Funny, she doesnt look Druish) from the evil Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) (Spaceballs). The only Jewish reference in the movie were playing off the theme of the Druish princess and a short scene with Mel Brooks as Yogurt, a reinterpretation of Yoda as an old, Jewish man. Brooks also renamed the Force from Star Wars to something more ethnic-the Schwartz. Although these Jewish references may be equal to the Yiddish-speaking Indian in Blazing Saddles, it is too big of a stretch to link a deeper meaning to them as can be done in his earlier films. In the Big Book of Jewish Humor, Jewish humor is defined as having these five qualities: 1. It is substantive in that it is about some larger topic. 2. It, in many cases, has a point-the appropriate response is not laughter, but rather a bitter nod or a commiserating sign of recognition. 3. It is anti-authoritarian, in that it ridicules grandiosity and self-indulgence, exposes hypocrisy, and†¦. is strongly democratic. 4. It frequently has a critical edge which creates discomfort in making its point. 5. It is unsparing-it satirizes anyone and everyone (Novak and Waldoks xx-xxii). Telushkins definition of a Jewish joke is much simpler. He says it must express a Jewish sensibility (16). To Bernard Saper, a uniquely Jewish joke must contain incongruity, a sudden twist of unexpected elements (76). Christie Davies, points out that people such as Jews, who belong to a minority or peripheral ethnic groups tell jokes both about the majority group and about their own group, and they may tell more ethnic jokes about their own group (and find them funnier) than about the majority(29-30). Are the four films discussed within these definitions? Brooks movies definitely fit the Telushkin test of expressing Jewish sensibility, weather it is through how he attacks the Nazis or the andom Yiddish expressions that he uses. A lot of Brooks humor is also incongruous. For example, having a Nazi say never again, fulfills Sapers requirement. Brooks films have a lot of ethnic jokes in them, which deal with Jews or Jewish topics. Brooks probably put these jokes in his movies because he found them funny, therefore fulfilling the Davies test. The definition in The Big Book of Jewish Humor is harder to fit because it is in greater detail. However, the films that were discussed fit them well. Many of Brookss films are substantive in that he deals with racism and Anti-Semitism in almost all of his movies. The point of his films may not be so sharp that when people see them they automatically feel bitterness toward someone, but his movies are definently not pure slapstick which fulfills the second part of the definition. Brooks never attacked Jewish leadership but his films are anti-authoritarian because he clearly attacks government officials such as the Nazis and the Grand Inquisitor. Since there is constant controversy about Brooks films there is always potential for discomfort to arise. Finally, Brooks leaves out nobody from his satire-Nazis, cowboys, and 15th century Spanish Jews are all satirized and made fun of in these films. Even though some of his scenes or individual jokes are not typical Jewish humor, he is a Jewish comedian who, most importantly, makes Jewish jokes. Brookss movies represent the classical paradox in Jewish humor and Jewish experience between: first, the legitimate pride that Jews have taken in their distinctive and learned religious and ethical tradition and in the remarkable intellectual eminence and entrepreneurial and professional achievement of individual members of their community, and second, the anti-Semitic abuse and denigration from hostile outsiders whose malice was fueled by Jewish autonomy and achievement (Davies 42-43). The greatest lesson that Brooks has to teach American Jews of today is the expansion of our boundaries. Through his use of Jewish humor to topics which where previously considered off-limits, he allows his viewers to cope with painful parts of history which they may not have been able to cope with in the past. Brooks describes his role as a comedian by saying, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one (Friedman 171-172). He explains that his comedy derives from the feeling that, as a Jew and as a person, you dont fit the mainstream of American society. It comes from the realization that even though youre better and smarter, youll never belong (Friedman 172). Mel Brookss experience is very similar to that of every American Jew, and his comedy speaks uniquely to the American Jew. So, even Brookss most offensive work is rooted deeply within both typical Jewish Humor and the modern Jewish experience. The greatest lesson that Brooks has to teach American Jews of today is the expansion of our boundaries. Through his use of Jewish humor to topics which where previously considered off-limits, he allows his viewers to cope with painful parts of history which they may not have been able to cope with in the past. Brooks describes his role as a comedian by saying, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one (Friedman 171-172). He explains that his comedy derives from the feeling that, as a Jew and as a person, you dont fit the mainstream of American society. It comes from the realization that even though youre better and smarter, youll never belong (Friedman 172). Mel Brookss experience is very similar to that of every American Jew, and his comedy speaks uniquely to the American Jew. So, even Brookss most offensive work is rooted deeply within both typical Jewish Humor and the modern Jewish experience.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Janies Journey Through Marriage free essay sample

In her first marriage, the man she was with was everything that Nanny Crawford wanted him to be. Logan Killicks was a farmer with 60 acres of his own land, his own money, and big house all to himself. Logan Killicks equaled protection to Nanny [Page 15], and that’s all that she wanted for Janie. Since Nanny had endured being raped as a slave and getting pregnant, and the baby that became Janie’s Mom, Leafy, turned out to get raped to and become lost to the world, Nanny wanted nothing but the best for Janie. She did not want Janie to have to endure those things, and she was going to make sure by setting Janie up to marry Logan Killicks. Logan had been watching Janie grow up, and he noticed how beautiful she was becoming so he mentioned marrying Janie to Nanny long before she brought it up to Janie [Page 13]. We will write a custom essay sample on Janies Journey Through Marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Janie was just what Logan needed. She was young, pretty, and she would do well inheriting his land after he died. Although Janie was marrying Logan for protection, Logan was marrying Janie from her looks, making her out to be a trophy wife. But the key that both Logan and Janie were missing in the thought of their marriage was love. Janie was not even interested in Logan at all. He was just as old as her Grandma, since Nanny Crawford refers to him as â€Å"Brother Logan Killicks† [Page 13]. Janie felt that the reason why people married was because they loved one another, but since her marriage happened because of other circumstances, she thought the love would eventually come [Page 21]. After they finally married, of course Janie was introduced to intercourse for the first time, making her sexually mature. That is her first walk into womanhood. But she also came to the realization that marriage does not bring love after a month and two weeks of marriage [Page 23]. This shows her maturity of how relationships work, while also marking her second walk into womanhood. After this conclusion, almost a year into her marriage she came to a greater realization. Janie wanted her pear tree, which symbolized everything that love should be [Page 11]. Logan was not her pear tree. After almost a year, the newly wed attitude died down and he began treating Janie as his equal, expecting her to do work around the farm just like he did [Page 26]. Their relationship began to be like that between a parent and a child. He told her what to do and she was expected to do it. It also did not help that Logan was so much older than Janie; it reestablishes this parent and child bond. After Logan began acting this way, Janie did not stay long. She met Joe Starks, her second husband, on the road beside her and Logan’s home one summer day, and he seemed to fulfill the goals Janie had in mind for her life. Once she saw it fit, Janie left Logan, and ran away to marry Joe. Logan was the only man Janie ever left. Mr. Joe Starks was a business man and the epitome of a go getter. He met Janie on the side of a road because he was on his way walking to be a â€Å"big voice† in a black-owned town called Eatonville in Florida [Page 28]. He was a â€Å"man wid principles† [Page 29] and he wanted to show Janie how a lady should be treated. He was older than Janie like Logan, being 10 years her senior. Janie and Joe Starks marriage can be described as all for show, deeply suppressing, and all about Joe Starks. From the moment Joe met Janie, he described her as â€Å"a pretty doll-baby made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo’self and eat p’taters dat other folks plant just special for you. Once he ran off with Janie, he made it so. He showered her with clothes of silk and wool [Page 33] and made sure he instilled in her that she was a princess. When Janie ran off with Joe, she was running off to achieve her own goals in Joe’s. To Janie, Joe seemed to be a man that could make things happen. Fortunately, he turned out to be exactly that. It did not take long for things to happen once Janie and Joe made it to Eatonville. He immediately became mayor of the town, and with the money he ad come with he made improvements to everything he thought needed it [Page 36-38]. It did not take long for him to achieve his goals. Janie had everything she could possibly want, but her most important goal was not reached in Joe’s. Janie wanted her pear tree; she longed for real love, and she actually seemed to love Joe. She even gave him a pet name which was Jody [Page 29]. Again unfavorably for Janie, she did not receive all her goals in this marriage. As Jody’s power began to increase as mayor, this need for dominance spilled over into him and Janie’s marriage. He spoke for Janie [Page 43], he secluded her from the townspeople saying that with his big voice made a big woman out of her [Page 46], and he even started making Janie wear a head scarf because he did not like the attention that Janie got from her long, beautiful hair [Page 49]. Janie knew this was never what she wanted out of her husband; she had not expected this from Joe. He only got worse as time went on. They were married for over 17 years, and as they both aged, Joe began to get evil with Janie. He even hit her in public at the town’s store when Janie put him in his place about the way he had been treating her [Page 80]. Jody’s pride, materialism, and urge to dominant had turned him into a cold, bitter old man that was on his dying bed with kidney problems [Page 85]. This was the only time Janie had to tell him about the independence she had longed for during their marriage [Page 85]. She knows that Jody was a good husband in the aspects that he provided for her and had power. These were the things that Nanny Crawford had wanted for her. However, Janie the things she wanted which were love and independence in love. She also gained wisdom from her and Joe’s long time together. Janie did not have to leave Jody to get out of this marriage, because he died immediately after she told him all the problems she felt had been in their marriage. Janie’s second marriage left her widowed, but a couple months after Joe Starks death Janie found her next husband. His name was Vergible Woods, but he was also known as Tea Cake. Janie and Tea Cake’s marriage was everything that she ever wanted for marriage to ever be. It is crazy how everything she wanted comes after she had been through two marriages. If Nanny Crawford were to be the judge of Tea Cake, he would be everything that she wanted Janie to stay away from. He was a young 28 year old marrying Janie at 40, he did not have much money or a big, nice place to stay, and he was a gambler with the little money he had. He was a huge variation from the two other husbands Janie had. The biggest difference he had was that he had complete and undying love for and from Janie. Tea Cake had walked right into Janie’s life, almost similar to how Jody appeared, except he had no real purpose of appearing except cigarettes from the Stark Grocery Store [Page 94-95]. From there Janie and he let time get away from them while playing checkers [Page 95]. Their time full of flirting ended with Tea Cake helping Janie close up the store and walking her home [Page 98-99]. Unlike Janie’s other relationships, she had a strong chemistry between one another. They spent spontaneous nights at Janie’s house making dinner and going fishing together [Page 102-103]. After spending time with one another, Tea Cake confessed that Janie had him caught [Page 105] and he wanted to be with her. Like the other husbands, Tea Cake did like Janie for her looks [Page 103-104], but he did not treat her unequally from him. He just wanted to do anything he could to make her happy. He was a man that did not have much to look after to his name, so unlike the others he had room to make Janie his prime priority. Then when Janie was finally up to it, the both of them moved to the Everglades together [Page 116]. A little while after getting there, Tea Cake wronged Janie by stealing her money, and leaving her for two days with her worrying that she had made the same mistake as Annie Tyler [Page 119]. When he finally came back, he had gambled Janie’s money and won more money than Janie had come with [Page 122]. He made up for his seemingly wrong doing for the likes of Janie. With his actions, Tea Cake showed real love. The other husbands showed care, because that was what a husband should do for his wife. Tea Cake once said, â€Å"God made it so you spent yo’ ole age first wid somebody else, and saved up yo’ young girl days to spend wid me. † [Page 181] and this statement is very true. The freeness of feeling between her and Tea Cake was like two young lovers. The naivete in the way they ran off with each other also marks young love [Page 117]; they were so spontaneous and uninhibited. No one telling them they were wrong could break them apart, not even Phoeby [Page 114]. One similarity between the marriages that is not so good is the fact that the relationships changed for the bad over time. After the huge storm on the mucks [Chapter 18], Tea Cake got sick with rabies and his health deteriorated fast. Janie and his relationship ended up getting lost in a sickness that affected his brain; that is about the only thing that ever affected them for good as a couple. Janie had to kill him to protect herself [Page 184], and after going to trial, being found innocent, and going back to Eatonville she is full of wisdom. Her Nanny said that, â€Å"I’ve been to de horizon and back. Now Janie could say the same about herself. Her and Tea Cake’s marriage finally gave her the love she had always wanted in life just before she got too old to experience it. Part II: Even though Tea Cake was the love of her life and she had to bury him herself, if Janie had to pick another man to be with I really do not think she would look for the same things she had looked for in marriage. In old age, she would turn into a woman version of Logan Killicks in a way. She would look for someone that she could be ok with taking care of her as she got old, someone to keep her from being lonely. After Tea Cake, she would not have the need to love again. Tea Cake had that position filled and he always will, alive or dead. Her next husband would be more of a practical companion that she could grow old comfortably with. Not saying that she would not care who she married next, but she would not treat them how she treated her other husbands. She would not be eager to get that loving attention that she craved. Therefore, her next husband would not have to be overly caring towards her. Janie would go back to her â€Å"old time days† with her next husband, and her â€Å"young days† would forever stay with Tea Cake.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Vegan Ice Hockey and Hip Checking Essay

Vegan Ice Hockey and Hip Checking Essay Vegan: Ice Hockey and Hip Checking Essay Joseph Hopkins Psy 101.04 3 Prof. Goodwin 8 February 2012 Violent Sports There has been a lot of controversy over the limitations of violent sports across our nation. The two most important sports that may be affected are football and hockey. These are two traditionally rough sports. Each sport has many traditional attributes that date back to the creation of each sport. For example, in hockey the fights are epic, there have always been fist fights and there will continue to be fights. Although some people do not think that these ideals of tackling and checking should be incorporated into these sports. These two sports are just fine the way they are played today and should remain the same for another hundred years. First, I believe that these two sports are intense and actually revolve around the violence that is a part of them. For example, I used to be on the midget football team for Deptford Township. During my experience of a football player there was a lot of contact involved and it was a great deal of fun. I didn’t worry about being hurt or hurting someone because we all had protective gear and we were just kids who wanted to have fun. Some people think that football should have less hitting involved, if this were to happen people who love the sport now may be turned away from it including players of the NFL. Football and hockey are two of America’s greatest and most interesting sports. The key element is that the interesting part, for most fans, is the actual mild hip checking, possible fights, as well as tackling in football. If you were to take away these things the sports would not be the same, they mind as well change the name Hockey as well. While I see the point of possible injuries there are many different precautions and protocols to follow in case of these incidents. For example, in the NFL and many colleges student involved in contact sports take a series of baseline tests. One of these tests is words or designs are flashed to the players and then the players are asked whether they saw d esigns or words at certain times. Even after they pass this test the first day after they may only ride a bike, the day after they may lift, and the day after that they are put into practice with no contact. Some people idealize that you may be able to develop more skill such as stick handling or skating in hockey without all the hip checking. I firmly disagree with

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Genes - Definition, Function, and Mutations

Genes - Definition, Function, and Mutations Genes are segments of DNA located on chromosomes that contain the instructions for protein production. Scientists estimate that humans have as many as 25,000 genes. Genes exist in more than one form. These alternative forms are called alleles and there are typically two alleles for a given trait. Alleles determine distinct traits that can be passed on from parents to offspring. The process by which genes are transmitted was discovered by Gregor Mendel and formulated in what is known as Mendels law of segregation. Gene Transcription Genes contain the genetic codes, or  sequences of nucleotide bases in nucleic acids, for the production of specific proteins. The information contained within DNA is not directly converted to proteins, but must first be transcribed in a process called DNA transcription. This process takes place within the nucleus of our cells. Actual protein production takes place in the cytoplasm of our cells through a process called translation. Transcription factors are special proteins that determined whether or not a gene gets turned on or off. These proteins bind to DNA and either aid in the transcription process or inhibit the process. Transcription factors are important for cell differentiation as they determine which genes in a cell are expressed. The genes expressed in a red blood cell, for example, differ from those expressed in a sex cell. An Individual's Genotype In diploid organisms, alleles come in pairs. One allele is inherited from the father and the other from the mother. Alleles determine an individuals genotype or gene composition. The allele combination of the genotype determines the traits that are expressed or the phenotype. A genotype producing the phenotype of a straight hairline, for example, differs from the genotype resulting in a V-shaped hairline. Inherited Through Both Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. Genes are inherited through both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, resulting organisms are genetically identical to a single parent. Examples of this type of reproduction include budding, regeneration, and parthenogenesis. Gametes Fuse to Form a Distinct Individual Sexual reproduction involves the contribution of genes from both male and female gametes that fuse to form a distinct individual. The traits exhibited in these offspring are transmitted independently of one another and may result from several types of inheritance. In complete dominance inheritance, one allele for a particular gene is dominant and completely masks the other allele for the gene.In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over the other resulting in a phenotype that is a mixture of both parent phenotypes.In co-dominance, both alleles for a trait are fully expressed. Some Traits Determined by More Than One Gene Not all traits are determined by a single gene. Some traits are determined by more than one gene and are therefore known as polygenic traits. Some genes are located on sex chromosomes and are called sex-linked genes. There are a number of disorders that are caused by abnormal sex-linked genes including hemophilia and color blindness. Variation Helps Adapting to Changing Situations Genetic variation is a change in the genes that occur in organisms in a population. This variation typically occurs through DNA mutation, gene flow (movement of genes from one population to another) and sexual reproduction. In unstable environments, populations with genetic variation are typically able to adapt to changing situations better than those that do not contain genetic variation. Mutations Are From Errors and the Environment A gene mutation is an alteration in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. This change can affect a single nucleotide pair or larger segments of a chromosome. Changing gene segment sequences most often results in non-functioning proteins. Some mutations can result in disease, while others may have no negative impact on or may even benefit an individual. Still, other mutations may result in unique traits such as dimples, freckles, and multicolored eyes. Gene mutations are most commonly the result of environmental factors (chemicals, radiation, ultraviolet light) or errors that occur during cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Divorce amoung educated vs uneducated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Divorce amoung educated vs uneducated - Essay Example These factors include; infidelity, poor communication, sexual or physical abuse, incompatibility among others. Divorce is a legal process of dissolving marriages through a court of law. Does the level of education act as a recipe for divorce? Who among the educated and uneducated are likely to divorce? This paper is a critique of divorce among the educated and the uneducated. Education is among the key factors that contribute to divorce. As the level of education rises, the rate of divorce declines and vice versa. There are various explanations for such a trend. Traditionally, marriage institution was very much respected as it was a means of acquiring a social status in society. Nowadays, marriage is losing its cultural meaning due to advancement in education and economic problems. People have intimacy before marriage and even bear children out of wedlock thus making marriage to lose meaning (Wilcox). According to General social survey in America, there has cropped up a new marriage model whereby people get married to enjoy life and wealth. The less educated are poor and do not have wealth to share with their spouses hence they turn to divorce. On the other hand, the educated are wealthy and can satisfy their spouses and give them happiness hence reducing divorce. The general social survey conducted a research in the year 2000 and found out that 49% of t he educated proposed tightening marriage laws while 48 % of the uneducated supported the law (Wilcox). Decline in divorce levels can be attributed to the level of education. The educated couples have information about the dangers of early marriages hence take time to marry. They also take long studying therefore they have no time for marriage. The less educated on the other hand, lack sex education and hence get involved in early marriages without knowledge of what marriage encompasses. They also do not go to school thus they get married earlier than their educated counterparts hence raising the chances of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity - Essay Example The mind of human beings causes sickness; the cause of diseases is internal, not external. In addition, Buddhists believe that human actions (Karma), whether bad or good, can lead to problems in the future. Negative actions can arise in the future thus leading to sickness while the positive actions lead to happiness and prosperity. For Buddhists, healing sicknesses begins when an individual engages in positive actions. Consequently, the mind should be mind should get rid of the negative Karmic spirits that may lead to sicknesses (Hawter, 2012). A Critical component of healing in Buddhism faith includes beliefs (in doing what is right). Human beings must be responsible for their actions. In addition, the Buddhist believes that doing positive actions to others can prevent future illnesses. Every human being has the power to control their destiny by doing what is good. Bad actions will only lead to sickness and sufferings (Hawter, 2012). When being cared for by people from other faiths, Buddhist stress on the need to guarantee quality care that cannot lead to future health problems. For Buddhist, actions should be positive, health care providers from other faiths must ensure that they get standard care that can heal the diseases (Hawter, 2012). ... The Shinto are deeply connected to nature that to scientific means of healing human beings. In addition, the Shinto believes that sickness is caused by the weakening of immune system by the spirits. The healing process begins by the removal of grievances that are not pleasing to the spirits. They often seek for spirits support when they want to get healed from certain diseases (Lotus, 2012). The most critical component of healing is in meditation. Human beings must honor the spirits which live on mountains, rovers and trees in order to get well. In addition, for human beings to get purification from the spirits, they must offer sacrifices, pray, and engage in a symbolic feast. The main aim of purification is to remove ‘dust’ which leads to human -spirit conflicts (Lotus, 2012). The people of Shinto consider their spirits and gods to be the most important when being cared for by health care providers from other faiths. In addition, they believe that the Goddess known as t he Amaterasu, recommended that human beings should worship the mirror. Such beliefs in the goddess lead to refusal of care from other health care providers who do not share in their beliefs (Lotus, 2012). Baha’i Perspective on Healing The Baha’i people believe that health care providers serve God wile engaging in health care practices. Providing quality services to patients is one of the ways in which human beings praise God. In addition, the Baha’i people believe in medicine, however, they also believe in divine healing where human beings can engage in prayers. Consequently, they hold the belief that there is a direct relationship between spiritual condition and the health of human beings. Human beings are required to offer prayers to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Miss Essay Example for Free

Miss Essay Evaluate United’s response to Dave Carroll’s music video. Did the airline handle the incident well? 3. In general, how should firms prepare for the challenges posed by user-generated content and social media? The â€Å"United breaks guitars† video went viral and has had over 7,000,000 views to date. Dave Carroll came up with his protest songs, he said, thinking what Michael Moore would have done, that is, create an instrument able to assemble the angry ones. A wonderful tool for consumer advocacy is a viral video because as said, chances are youre not the only one who is upset. After Dave Carrolls videos, United Airlines was inundated with additional complaints, so it happened that a traumatic experience for one flyer becomes a public relations disaster for United Airlines. United lately responded to Youtube videos, suffering the consequences of a stock price felt of 10%, costing stockholders about $180 million. When social media are involved the best response is the quickest response. United Airlines neglection in reacting caused an out of control media diffusion. United Airlines major error was not to pay attention to the previous incidents of people using social media to voice their frustration. Companies should understand the power of social media for customer interactions and monitor social media sites as part of their social media customer outreach and marketing efforts. A positive reaction of United would have been to use the incident as a positive PR opportunity to show off how they work positively with customers to solve problems. The lesson for any firms is.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hospital Care :: essays research papers

Critical Care Hospital - Case Study _ Incident for Discussion: Critical Care Hospital Critical Care Hospital has planned to purchase a CATSCAN within the next six months. Though not mentioned in the text, the cost of the equipment will be at least several hundred thousand dollars, and could even exceed one million dollars. Additionally, major renovations are required to the radiology department where the equipment will be housed. Unfortunately, the construction project cannot be started until the machine is in place, which will be five months from now. The Project Manager ("PM") feels that she may be able to expedite the construction schedule by utilizing a resource allocation version of the Critical Path Method ("CPM"). Getting the machine up and running is of great interest to the hospital, as revenues generated by the CATSCAN are projected to be in the range of $25,000 per monthAccording to the text, the project is slated to have a duration of twelve months. The waiting time for the CATSCAN is five months. This leaves the PM eight months to accomplish her goal. Given that the equipment is arriving simultaneously with the onset of the construction project, I would suggest a combination of a heuristic approach using an "As Late As Possible" ("ALAP") prioritization with a fast-track approach to the actual constructionThe reason for the ALAP approach is the five-month delay prior to the equipment being delivered. Holding off on allocating resources during this slow period should, in theory, allow the PM to reserve monetary resources for the Crash period. I would imagine that part-time allocation of administrative support, to solicit construction bids, generate reports and management approval requests along with full-time PM participation would be sufficient. The PM during this time will be working with hospital management to generate a detailed project plan and Scope of Work. Several critical elements come into play in this situation. For example, two relocations of the existing radiology department, or at least the area that will house the CATSCAN will be required during the construction period. The first will be for the purpose of clearing the required space for the new CATSCAN area, including construction corridors, to a temporary location. Then, after the equipment is installed and renovations complete on this area, the rest of the department will need to be renovated as well. This aspect of the project will require extensive coordination with other departments within the hospital. This includes administrative staff, medical personnel, suppliers (pick-ups and deliveries), janitorial staff, and primarily the radiology staff itself. During the first five months of the project I would suspect that this coordination and planning alone would consume 50% of the PM's time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Teacher-Student Relationships

Topic: â€Å"Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels† Introduction The importance of teacher-student relationships will forever be an increasing factor in students’ academic achievements and behaviors. The general topic for this research is how teacher-student relationships affect students’ academic achievements develop or destroy their behavioral skills. This topic brings about a lot of conflicts that leads to many unanswered questions such as ‘What happens to the teacher-student relationships after the early school years? Due to the fact that students go through their most important developmental changes during their middle school years. The goal of this study is to advance our under- standing of the longitudinal connections between teacher–child relationships and children’s academic and behavioral development across elementary schools. The criteria used in analyzing and comparing literature was conducting a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) using a cooperative agreement that used the scientific collaboration between grantees and NICHD staff.The sequence of this review is set up in a very articulate and organized arrangement. The scope was very limited was seen in this review by the NICHD on Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels. In this study, the keywords are evident in the topic it self, such as: academic achievement which is the level of actual accomplishment or proficiency one has achieved in an academic areas, as opposed to one’s potential. Behavioral Problem is a behavior that is annoying or destructive. Maternal Characteristics are having the qualities of, or befitting a mother.The most important keyword and definition in this study is teacher-student relationship, which is the basic relationship with teachers and the students that they instruct. In this research the teacher-student relationships are based on being positive and impacting the students’ lives in academically and behavioral ways. Main Points In today’s educational world, there is great recognition of the motivation that is present due to the active and positive teacher-student relationships being formed in the schools. In this study, at some point in student’s early school years, teachers are seen as ‘part-time caregivers’ to the students.The bio ecological model and developmental systems theory proposed a conceptual model to advance our understanding of the nature of relationships between teachers and children, and their contribution to children’s development. This model says that good relationships with teachers are defined by a combination of high levels of closeness and low levels of conflict. Closeness in teacher–student relationships is characterized by warmth, positive affects, and open communication. But on the flip side, there is conflict that comes with negativity, h ostility, and difficulty in man- aging children’s behavior.There has been arguments that high-quality teacher–child relationships can promote students’ academic and behavioral development by providing an environment of sup- port and emotional security in which children feel confident and supported. Research conducted in preschool and the first years of elementary school has examined the association between the quality of teacher–child relation- ships and children’s development showing modest links between relationship quality and contemporaneous, and on occasion, subsequent development of academic skills.This evidence, however, is limited by its longitudinal scope. There are key transformations in the role of teachers and classroom structure between preschool and the elementary years. Beginning in first grade, teachers become increasingly focused on their role as instructors and less focused on providing warmth and nurturance for children. Addition ally, classrooms are structured differently, as children often change teachers for different subjects. They also experience larger class sizes and child-to-teacher ratios that impose new demands on children in terms of self-regulation and socialization.Not to mention, students have fewer opportunities for one-to-one teacher– child interaction. Another study was conducted and aimed at determining the relationship between teachers' evaluation scores and the students' academic performance in Ham University of Medical Sciences. This study basically reports that some experts' opinions suggests that evaluation of the teachers' performance by the students is the only tangible way and the best kind of evaluation ecause the students are the only people who are directly taught by the professors; hence, they are in the best position to evaluate their teachers' educational activities. This investigation has two primary goals which are to determine whether; between- and within- child diff erences in academic achievement and behavior problems are associated with teacher–child relationship quality throughout elementary school and the second goal is to consider whether the importance of teacher–child relationship quality changes as children move through elementary school.The data used for this study came from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, a large, multi-method longitudinal study of non-parental care experiences and child development. The participants for this study were selected using a conditional sampling plan to ensure that the sample reflected the economic, educational, and ethnic composition of the 10 cities from which participants were recruited. In terms of the measures taken to access the academic achievement field interviewers and teacher reporters used a direct assessment.Reading and math achievement was assessed with the Woodcock– Johnson Psycho-Educational Ba ttery administered in first, third, and fifth grades by field interviewers. Conclusion The results of this study help academic and behavioral development and us to advance our understanding of the longitudinal connections between teachers–student relationships during elementary school. Using a large and diverse database, this is the first study to examine both between- and within-child associations between teacher–student relationship quality and child’s functioning, and how these associations change across the elementary school years.By analyzing data from mothers, teachers, and standardized assessments, this study allows for comparisons across informants. Results from this study indicate that the quality of relationships that teachers report having with children is associated with trajectories of achievement and behavior problems from kindergarten through fifth grade. The observed associations were consistent across informants in the case of child behavior pro blems, whereas associations with academic achievement emerged only when both relationship qualities and achievements were reported by the teacher.Finally, the importance of the quality of relationships with teachers for children’s development seems to be un-changing, as children get older. One strength of this study is that it tested within- child connections between relationship quality and children’s development. Bibliography Bahadori, M. , Sadeghifar, J. , Peyman, H. , Shams, L. , Sayemiri, K. , ; Nejati, M. (2012). The relationship between teachers' evaluation scores and the students' academic performance: a case study in Iran. TTEM- Technics Technologies Education Management, 7(4), 1635-1640. Dictionary. com. n. d. ). Retrieved from www. dictionary. com Maldonado-Carreno, C. , ; Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). Teacher-Child Relationships and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills During Elementary School: A Within- and Between-Child Analysis. Child Developmen t, 82(2), 601-616. doi:10. 1111/j. 1467-8624. 2010. 01533. x Theasurus. com (n. d) Retrieved from www. theasaurus. com Zuosheng Sun1, b. (2012). An Empirical Study on New Teacher-student Relationship and Questioning Strategies in ESL Classroom. English Language Teaching, 5(7), 175-183. doi:10. 5539/elt. v5n7p175

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Flyrock Tires

Six Sigma Quality at Flyrock Tires Executive Summary The process of creating tires at Flyrock Tires involves 20 different steps to take the rubber from bales to final curing. Given this complexity and the high production volume (the factory produces about 10,000 tires per hour), it takes only a small margin of error in each of these steps to begin to compound and result in a high defective rate. For both public safety and their reputation, Flyrock strives to minimize the number of defects. The answers to the questions asked by this case form a good base for evaluating the production and extrusion process at Flyrock.The company begins by setting expectations for what defect rates should be under ideal conditions as well as setting expectations for defect rates when machinery has become worn out. This allows them to detect things like worn bearings in machinery. The case also begins the framework for evaluating the process from a six-sigma perspective and how this might help control de fects. Under ideal conditions, the extruder should produce tires that meet specifications 98. 67% of the time, meaning only 1. 33% of tires are defective. When the bearing is worn out, the defect rate increases three-fold to 4. 7%. This means that more than one in twenty-five tire sheets is defective. If testing samples of ten sheets per hour, the machine operators could expect to find a defective every two and a half hours. In testing whether the extrusion process is in control or not, the three sigma control limits recommended by Susan Douglas will narrow the bandwidth of acceptable tires from 400  ± 10 thou to 400  ± 3. 795 thou. By implementing a stricter six-sigma system and decreasing the standard deviation, the likelihood of producing tires within acceptable levels of thickness increases to 100%.This becomes a near-perfect process. With this information, Susan Douglas should now take appropriate steps to count the actual number of defects that occur from the extrusion pro cess. Having that will allow her to analyze if the process is actually in control, using various control charts. Using that, she will be able to adjust the process as needed to reduce the number of defective tires, improve quality and efficiency, and ultimately reduce costs for Flyrock. Question 1 The mean, confidence intervals, and standard deviation are provided to us. Mean ( µ) = 400 thouConfidence interval =  ± 10 thou Standard deviation (? ) = 4 thou This question is a simple normal probability distribution problem. It can be restated as: What is the probability that rubber sent through the extruder will be between 390 thou and 410 thou in thickness? P(390 ? x ? 410) We first need to find the z value for each boundary then find the corresponding probability in the normal distribution table: z = (x –  µ)/? z = (390-400)/4 = -2. 5 > z(-2. 5) = . 0062 z = (410-400)/4 = 2. 5 > z(2. 5) = . 9938 P(-2. 5 ? z ? 2. 5) = . 9938 – . 0062 = . 9867 Therefore, there is a 98. 7% probability that the rubber will be extruded with the specifications. Question 2 To find the upper and lower control limits, the following formulas apply: Upper Control Limit (UCL) =  µ + z? Lower Control Limit (LCL) =  µ – z? where ? = ? /n  µ = 400 ? = 4 n = 10 z = 3 ? = 4/10 = 1. 265 UCL = 400 + 3(1. 265) = 403. 795 LCL = 400 – 3(1. 265) = 396. 205 Question 3 If a bearing is worn out, the extruder produces a mean thickness of 403 thou even though the setting is at 400. This means that  µ has shifted to 403 and the confidence level will be lower than the 98. 7% we calculated when the bearings are not worn out. We can restate the question for number 1 to ask: What is the probability that rubber sent through the extruder will be outside 390 thou and 410 thou in thickness when the mean thickness has shifted to 403 thou? Again, we need to find the z value for each boundary then find the corresponding probability in the normal distribution table: z = (x â⠂¬â€œ  µ)/? z = (390-403)/4 = -3. 25 > z(1. 75) = 0. 9599 z = (410-403)/4 = 1. 75 > z(-3. 25) = 0. 0006 P(-3. 25 z(. 628) = 0. 7357 P in control (0

Thursday, November 7, 2019

SMS Quotes to Text to a Loved One

SMS Quotes to Text to a Loved One In todays hi-tech world, love has also gone hi-tech. While people still believe in expressing their love, they want to communicate their feelings instantly. The use of the internet and mobile technology has enabled instant communication. So if you are one of those tech-savvy individuals who want their feelings to be known right away, using the following SMS love quotes will serve your purpose. Short Love Quotes You Can Text W. E. HenleyOpen your heart and take us in,Love - love and me.Sarah BernhardtYour words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.David ReedLove me and the world is mine.Herman HesseIf I know what love is, it is because of you.AnonymousWithin you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again.James J. WalkerWill you love me in December as you do in May,Will you love me in the good old-fashioned way?When my hair has all turned gray,Will you kiss me then and say,That you love me in December as you do in May?Erica JongLove is everything its cracked up to be. Thats why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you dont risk everything, you risk even more.AnonymousAs I gaze upon your beauty, I think to myself, never have I seen an angel fly so low...Elizabeth Barrett BrowningI love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.Shirley BasseyId like to run a wayFrom you,But if you didnt comeAnd find me... I would die.Ibn AbbadMy night has become a sunny dawn because of you.HobbesI think we dream so we dont have to be apart so long. If were in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.AnonymousOnly a person who has not felt true love can move on in life saying There are lots of other fish in the sea.Dick SutphenLove me without fearTrust me without questioningNeed me without demandingWant me without restrictionsAccept me without changeDesire me without inhibitionsFor a love so free...Will never fly away.Steve WinwoodThink about it, there must be higher loveDown in the heart or hidden in the stars aboveWithout it, life is a wasted timeLook inside your heart, Ill look inside mine.Antoine de Saint-ExuperyAnd now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.Henry David ThoreauI love you not as something private and personal, which is my own, but as something universal and worthy of love which I have found. AnonymousJust because somebody doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

9 Super-Tricky Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

9 Super-Tricky Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them You’ve done a lot of interview prep already and you’re feeling pretty ready. But you’re still dreading the questions you haven’t prepped for- or the really tricky ones that seem perfectly simple, but have multiple strategic layers designed to get at something subtle. Don’t get tripped up or surprised by the following tricky questions- prepare your answers now so you’re calm, cool, and collected on your interview day.1. â€Å"Why did you leave?†Mostly tricky if you just got fired or quit soon after starting. Easy enough to answer if you lost your job as a part of a restructuring or layoff; just be honest there. Otherwise, be as transparent as possible and try to give answers about things that were out of your control (lack of growth opportunity or challenge, etc.). And restrain yourself from saying anything negative about the company or your former boss.2. â€Å"What’s your salary requirement?†Remember: loser speaks first. Try to avoid being the first person to say a hard number in this situation. Pivot if you can and do your best to get them to throw out a number first. If you must give a direct answer, make sure you have a good sense of what sort of salary range would be appropriate for you and start there. Make sure the bottom is no lower than your current salary or the low end of their advertised range.3. â€Å"How did you hear about the position?†You might be thinking: why do they want to know this? But remember, most hirers like referrals and it’s all about who you know. They’re trying to figure out who you might already know at the organization. They want to know whether you’re a champion networker, up on all the latest industry intel. Try to find an elegant answer to this question that isn’t just â€Å"uh†¦ I found it on a web search?†4. â€Å"What is your greatest professional achievement?†You get a chance to go into one accomplishment in depth here and really sell yourself. Try to load in plenty of quantifiable and verifiable detail into your answer. Back up any claims of your own greatness. But  don’t go overboard with the self-praise- humility might also be something they are looking for.5. â€Å"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?†They want to know first and foremost that you have a career vision for yourself. They also want to know if you’re so obsessed with finding a path up that you’ll be taking the first path out. Strike a balance between assuring them you’re keen to be a loyal contributor to the company for the long haul, and showing your ambition. Enthusiasm for the company itself will go a long way here, particularly if you feel you’re a great fit for their work culture and could see yourself advancing internally.6. â€Å"What’s with the gap in your employment?†You should be ready for this question if there are gaps in your employment. Be honest and succinct. Make sure to mention any volunteering or education that could earn you extra points. And be passionate about explaining any career changes, taking extra care to mention how your unique skills translate perfectly to this job.7. â€Å"Are you hoping to start a family?†Questions about your marital status and plans to have children are illegal, but you will occasionally be asked. Pivot from this answer as quickly as you can. Say something like: you’re really more focused on your career at the moment and very interested about this fascinating part of the company’s work†¦ is there more they could tell you about that?8. â€Å"Do you like to work on your own or as part of a team?†Both. You like both. Explain how great you are at both. Don’t let yourself get pigeonholed here, because you’ll never know when they’re looking for a self-starter they don’t have to worry about, or a true team player for a more collaborative environment.9. â€Å"Do you have any questions for us?†Interviews are supposed to be more of a two-way street than an interrogation. You will be asked if you have any questions and you will need to have a few. Even if most of your questions have been answered in the course of the interview, have one or two things you could ask. When in doubt, try: â€Å"What’s your favorite thing about working here?† And give your interviewer a chance to talk about herself and the company while you regroup.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Machiavelli and Hobbes Theories on Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Machiavelli and Hobbes Theories on Power - Essay Example While both offer ways to subdue insurgency and limit dissent, their works are deeply moral in nature. In fact so much so, that it is not possible to understand how they understand power without initially understanding what ethical conditions underlie the need to use power. Furthermore, power itself is a manifestation of moral and ethical desires. In order to make sense of this ethical substructure located in the work of Machiavelli and Hobbes, and analysis will be undertaken to explicate the conditions that they hold make the need and use of power necessary and beneficial for society. For Machiavelli the greatest moral good is that of a stable and virtuous state, and any action should be directed toward that end, while for Hobbes the need for the utilization of power derives from the inherent desire to elevate man out of the state of nature. It is only through an investigation to these underlying assumptions can an understanding of their related theories of power be compared and prop erly deployed in modern society. Niccolo Machiavelli focuses on hereditary and newly acquired monarchies in The Prince, having devoted time to the nature of republics in another work (Machiavelli 34). One of the most important characteristics that a new prince can have, and by prince Machiavelli is referring to any leader of a nation or state much in the same way Hobbes uses sovereign, is that he acts virtuously. "When these [actions] are recognized as virtuous, he wins over more men and they are more bound to him than if he were of the ancient blood" (Machiavelli 118). It is essential that men be bound to their prince because this manifests itself in stability and loyalty to him. When such men are dissatisfied with their leader they are more likely to foment rebellion and such a rebellion is more likely to be successful as their cause will be seen as just. Machiavelli is very much concerned with how a prince is regarded among his subjects. He spends much of the work discussing the respective advantages and disadva ntages of being loved versus being hated or being feared versus being liked or being generous versus being parsimonious. The sort of individual who recognizes these advantages and is able to manage them well is a person of high valor and ability. Machiavelli cites a number of historical sources to reveal how these highly qualified individuals are best able to maintain a stable and peaceful state, despite the difficulties in establishing it. The difficulty arrives insofar that since men, "do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them," it requires a great of tact and resolve to install stability where there was once corruption and or chaos, thus men are chosen by the moment for which to act and be counted (Machiavelli 50). Machiavelli of course recognizes the need for the military and physical subjugation of people in order to keep them pliant. He explicitly acknowledges the fact that the characters in history he mentions such as Moses or Theseus would not have been successful had they been unarmed, but it nevertheless remains that their ability to persuade and compromise occasionally allows them to maintain their position. The state is inseparable from its prince and vice-versa. The maintenance of their position while serving their purposes also serves the purposes of the state.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Questions (see directions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions (see directions) - Essay Example g survey, nearly four million or eight percent of the nation’s students were identified as LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students (Provasnik et al., 2007). In such a scenario, it is the responsibility of the schools and districts to ensure that these students adapt to the classroom environment and are able to make progress in varied subjects like English and mathematics. In keeping with the needs of students, many schools and districts offer a range of special education services for students with disabilities. Such special education services help them work in a laidback school environment with low expectations and a less competitive curriculum. However, over the years, research showed an overrepresentation of CLD students in disability categories, which spiralled into a national debate and also resulted in federal intervention. Research shows that race and the ethnicity can result in diagnosing a student as ‘disabled’, which can be detrimental to a student’s psyche and performance (NEA policy brief). Moreover, social stigma attached to special schools can affect self-esteem and deprive the student of the opportunity to compete with his/her peers. This resulted in ushering in changes to the definition of learning disability. Earlier definitions of learning disability were based on a difference between student’s intellectual ability and academic progress whereas now the revised definition emphasises more on the teacher. It is the teacher who must make accurate observations, make notes and interpret them effectively in order to facilitate proper assessment (Case and Taylor, 2005). Appropriate response to intervention (RTI) models and interventions can be useful to help students overcome academic hurdles and assess the nature of help required in their academic career. Research further shows that it is difficult to classify a learning disabled from an ESL learner because both groups have shared symptoms (Case and Taylor, 2005). From a linguistic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Housing Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Housing Industry - Essay Example The increase in the number of household is as a result of population growth and migration and this in turn results inot an increase in the demand for houses. In 2006 the total number of houses in England was 21,989 thousand according to table 3.1, an analysis of the various regions it was evident that majority of these dwellings which is 16% were located in south east while only 5% of these dwellings were located in the north east region. (Calculations in appendixes 1) The following chart demonstrates the total number of dwellings in thousands for each region in 2006. It is evident from the chart that majority of dwellings are located in the south east and London which is 16% and 15% respectively of total dwellings in England. The following is an analysis of the total number of dwellings in the regions for the year 1996 and the year 2006(calculations in appendixes 2). From the above chart it is evident that each region has experienced an increase in the number of dwellings, however some regions have higher increase than other regions especially the South east region has the highest increase in the number of houses while the north east region has the lowest increase in the numbe... The north east region and the south east region: Percentages of the total for each year: From the above chart it is evident that there has been a decline in the percentage of the total for the South east region whereas there has been a relatively low decline in the percentage of the total for the North East region, however from the trend it is evident that the South east region has maintained a relatively high percentage of the total over the years compared to the North East region. Calculations in appendix 3. Trend in the number of houses in the N. east region and the S. east region: The following chart summarizes the trend in the number of houses in the N. east region: From the above chart it is evident that there has been an increase in the number of houses in the N. east region over the years. From the above chart it is evident that there has been a gradual increase in the number of houses in the S. east region over the years. Moving averages: We now analyze the moving average for the two regions over the years. The following table summarizes the simple centered 3 step moving average for the N. east region from the year 1997 to 2005: (calculations in appendix 4) N. East N. East moving average 1996 1,094 1997 1,100 1099.333 1998 1,104 1104 1999 1,108 1108 2000 1,112 1111.667 2001 1,115 1115 2002 1,118 1118.333 2003 1,122 1122 2004 1,126 1126.333 2005 1,131 1131.333 2006 1,137 The data is summarized by the following chart: The above line chart shows the 3 period centered moving average and the total number of houses in the N. East region. The following table summarizes the simple centered 3 step moving average for the S. east region from the year

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Changes of Market Shares for the Local Cars

The Changes of Market Shares for the Local Cars The local car market in Malaysia consists of local car manufacturers and companies that joint-venture with foreign company like Tan Chong and Datsun from Japan. The two main local car manufacturers are Proton and Perodua. Before the financial crisis in Malaysia at 1998, Proton was the leader in the local car market. Proton has the highest sales of cars than other car manufacturers. However, after the financial crisis, Perodua managed to take over the leadership in local car market. The main reason is Perodua has launched many new models as compared to Proton. The after-sales service by car manufacturer like Perodua was much better than Proton. The replacement parts for Proton is very far expensive than Perodua. Perodua also reduces their car prices to attract more buyers. Besides all these changes, the prices for the joint-venture cars are very expensive due to high sales tax and import duty. Currently, the sales tax is coming down for all the cars including local and foreign cars. T he joint-venture cars are expensive in Malaysia because they are considered as foreign cars and the government wants to encourage more local people to buy local cars. The local cars qualities are not par with the foreign cars. The new car buyers will look at the quality first before buying them. Lately, the car industries are very competitive because the foreign joint-ventures provide many new schemes to attract new car buyers. For example, they introduce the low interest financing which provide high loan and low interest rate. They want to attract more middle-income groups to buy their cars. The interest rate for national cars like Proton is higher than the non-national cars like Honda and Nissan. Even though the interest rate for national cars is high, the lower or middle income groups are likely to buy national cars. The main reason is the price for national cars are cheaper than the non-national cars. The EON Bank Bhd hire-purchase officer stated that: the banks revised interest rates for new non-national cars were 3.5% (5 year tenure), 4% (7-year) and 3.85% (9-year) while the rates for national cars now stood at 3.85% (5-year tenure), 4% (7-year) and 4.10% (9-year) (Yvonne Tan Eugene Mahalingam 2010, para. 6,7). For example, a proton car cost about RM 80,000 and the interest rate is 3.85% per annum. The new car buyer has to pay an interest of RM 3080. In contrast, a BMW car worth RM 300,000 and the interest rate is 3.5% per annum. The new car buyer has to pay RM 10,500 for interest. If a car buyer chooses to buy BMW, he or she has to pay an extra of RM 7420 of interest. The interest for both cars differs greatly because the price for both cars is totally different. The market shares among the local car manufacturers are divided when the new models from the joint-venture companies like Toyota and Nissan emerged into local car market. The table above shows the sales and production of passenger cars for the year of 2002 and 2003. For the year of 2002 and 2003, Proton maintained the leadership in the local car market. However, there was a decline in their sales volume from 214,373 units in 2002 to 155420 units in 2003 and their market shares fell from 59.6% to 48.6%. On the other hand, Perodua remained at the second position in the local car market. Peroduas sales volume fell from 114,265 units in 2002 to 111798 units in 2003 but their market shares rose from 31.7% to 35%. The new foreign cars like Toyota, Honda and Nissan have less market share in the local car market. The main reason is foreign cars price is much higher than the local cars like Proton and Perodua. Table 2 shows the analysis-by makes and segment for passenger vehicles. Before 2004, Proton has the largest market share in the local car market but after a few years, Perodua has overtaken Proton as the leader in the car sales. In 2008, Perodua managed to sell 167,392 units as compared to Proton that only sold 141,782 units. The market share for Perodua which is 33.6% is higher than Proton market share, 28.5%. The sales volume for Perodua increases from 166,735 units in 2009 to 188,641 units in 2010. The market share also rises from 34.3% to 34.7%. People like to buy Perodua cars because Perodua has better quality of model like Myvi. On the other hand, Protons sales volume increases from 141,782 units in 2008 to 147,744 units in 2009 and to 156,960 units in 2010. The market share for Proton cars rises from 28.5% in 2008 to 30.4% in 2009 but fell from 30.4% in 2009 to 28.9% in 2010. This drastic change happens because Proton cars are old-fashioned and Proton didnt change the model of the car but only modified them. Peroduas after-sales service is better than Protons after-sales service. It is always cheaper to maintain a Perodua car than a Proton car. The spare parts for Proton cars are expensive as compared to Perodua and the parts are in poor quality. The other foreign car like Honda increased their sales volume and market share in the local market. The sales volume for Toyota fell from 87,416 units in 2008 to 65,744 units in 2009 but increased to 71,065 units in 2010. The market share also fell from 17.6% in 2008 to 13.5% in 2009 and to 13.1% in 2010. Normally, the new car buyers will choose to buy national cars as the cars are cheaper than foreign cars. People cannot afford to buy the foreign cars because foreign cars double the price of national cars like Proton and Perodua. Besides this, the resale value for foreign cars is much higher than the local manufactured cars. Reasons for the Changes to the Local Car Market The two main reasons for the changes to the local car market are sales tax and excise duty and Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA). Sales tax is a single stage tax imposed at the import or manufacturing levels. (Taxation, 2011) All the buyers need to pay sales tax and excise duty for all vehicles whether is local manufactured or foreign assembled. The car buyers need to pay more if they buy foreign cars like Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Raslan Sharif (2011, p.49) noted these taxes are a source of considerable revenue for the Government as about 500,000 vehicles are sold every year in Malaysia. If the foreign car is too expensive, the new car buyers will prefer to buy local cars as they are cheaper and no import duties. For example, the original cost of a Honda car is RM 53,000, however, because of sales tax and excise duty, the Honda car has increased the price to RM 93,000. The new car buyer has to pay an extra of RM 40,000 for a Honda car. The price of a Toyota Vios in Malaysia is about RM 8 3,000 but in Thailand the car only costs for RM 43,000. Sales tax and excise duty can affect the sales of local cars or foreign cars. The Malaysian Insider stated that: Malaysians were currently paying eye-watering excise duties of between 65 to 105 per cent on top of 10 per cent in sales tax. (Lee Wei Lian, 2011) Sales tax and excise duty also decrease the quantity traded for local cars in the local car market. Excise duty is a type of tax that imposed on buyers. Excise duties are levied on selected products manufactured in Malaysia, namely cigarettes, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, playing cards, mahjong tiles and motor vehicles. (Excise Duty, 2011) Excise duty is an ad valorem tax levied on manufacture, sale, or use of locally produced goods. (Excise duty, Business Initially, the diagram above represents the demand and supply for the local cars. D0 is the initial demand for local cars and S0 represents the supply of the local cars. D0 and S0 are intersecting at point e0. The equilibrium price is P0 and the quantity traded for local cars is Q0. The supply of local cars shifts to the left from S0 to S1. The price of the local cars increases from P0 to P1. The quantity traded for local cars also decreases from Q0 to Q1. When the new car buyers know there is an increase in the price for local cars, they will not buy them. Eventually, the demand curve shifts to the left from D0 to D1. The quantity traded for local cars decreases from Q1 to Q2 and the price of the local cars become uncertain. Apart from sales tax and excise duty, the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) also contributes to the changes for the local car market. The sales tax and excise duty is coming down because of Asean Free Trade Area(AFTA). AFTA is a collective effort by ASEAN member countries to reduce or eliminate tariffs on intra-ASEAN trade in the goods sector. (Introduction, If there is no reduction in sales tax and excise duty, those investors would not want to invest in Malaysia and Malaysias local cars like Proton and Perodua cars cannot sell to other countries. Malaysias excise duty is much higher than other asean countries like Thailand and Indonesia. People would not want to buy Malaysias cars as their own countries cars have better quality and cheap. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a few changes to the local car market. Perodua has taken over the leadership from Proton in the local car market. The sales of the Perodua are better than Proton because Peroduas car is cheap and has better after-sales service. The car industries in Malaysia are competitive as more people are able to buy foreign cars. In my opinion, Malaysians mostly will choose foreign cars if they can afford to buy a foreign car. If they are in the low or middle-level income group, they would probably choose Peroduas car as their first choice. Proton cars have more car problems and in poor quality than Perodua cars. People would buy foreign cars as they would not depreciate much when compared to local cars. The resale value for local cars like Perodua and Proton are low too. Foreign cars are expensive because of the high taxation on foreign cars. I think that the government have high taxation on foreign cars in order to protect Proton. People have lost confidence on Proton cars as the model is lousy and the spare parts are expensive than other local cars like Perodua.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Market Economy :: essays research papers

A Market Economy is the most efficient way of organizing economic activities. Millions of suppliers (firm) and consumers (buyers) make the markets. The suppliers and consumers sell and purchase goods that satisfy the wants of consumers and suppliers. Suppliers and consumers make rational decisions, respond to incentives and make tradeoffs. Over all trade makes everyone better off. (Mankiw) If one firm does not meet the wants of the consumer then they will lose their place in the market. Sales for most major retailers have risen this quarter, while others have fallen. The over all sales gain equals 7.9%. (Chandler) Sales rose because consumers are not bothered by threats of war. Also, they feel confident in current and future stability of the economy. The reason some retailers lost and most gained could be a number of possibilities: Prices might be too high for the consumer’s taste. Marketing strategies appealed to consumer’s tastes. Consumer’s expectation of future prices and economic stability. Consumer purchasing goods from some firms dropped. This could have been because of price increase of goods sold by retailers. Prices of goods rose because of cost increase due to the rise in Average Total Cost. Average Total Cost is Total Cost (everything that is given up to pay for good) divided by Quantity (how many goods the firm produces). This will be driven up by the Variable Cost (costs that vary with the quantity of output produced) because of inflation; wage increase and cost of goods needed to produce the final good. With some firms rising having their Average Total Cost going up and not increasing price, they will lose profit. Profit is attained by [Total Revenue (the amount a firm receives for sales of it’s output) divided by Quantity minus Total Cost divided by Quantity] multiplied by Quantity. Or, Profit will equal (Price minus Average Total Cost) multiplied by Quantity. If the Average Total Cost is larger than the price than the firm will face either raising price or with a short-term profit loss-shutdown. If profit loss is in effect with the firms long-run Average Total Cost then the firm will have to cut their losses and exit the market. (Mankiw) One reason why most firms did better than others is because of their Average Total Cost being lower than the price. They will be able to make the profit that is needed for the firm to survive. Another reason is because the firm has a strong marketing strategy. Marketing involves the gathering of useful data: what the consumer wants. When the data gathered and studied the information provided will let the firm know what goods to produce or what type of advertising to use. Advertisers will make it seem that the firm’s